Articles on Personal Development

Letting Go: 8 Steps to Forgiveness

Overcoming past wrongs and forgiving those who have hurt you can be one of the most difficult things — and one of the most rewarding.

In Praise of Complainers: Why Complaining Is Good

Slow Service? Cold soup? Learn the ins and outs of constructive complaining and how it can help improve things for all consumers.

Grocery Shopping and the 4-Minute Mile: How to Challenge Yourself

Spending less on groceries is like running a faster mile — to improve, you must challenge yourself. Here's how to perform better in any pursuit.

How to Do Less — and Why You Should

If getting things done is so important, why does doing nothing feel so good? Discover how to do less — and become happier and more productive.

How to Be a More Positive Person

Life will always have frustrations and disappointments. But if you follow these suggestions, it'll be easier to approach any setback with positivity and joy.

6 Ways to Banish Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts can make you unproductive, crabby, and straight-up unhappy. Stay positive with these suggestions.

How to Stay Focused at Work

If you're stressed out, overworked, and have a brain that changes focus faster than a hummingbird beats its wings, follow these suggestions to get more done.

I’ll Finish This Post Tomorrow: 10 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination generally isn't helpful. It's a time suck. And heck, a lot of the time, it isn't even fun. Here's how to get what you need to do done.

Make Friends and Be Happy: Why Cultivating Relationships Is Good for You

We all know that friends are wonderful — but for reasons ranging from good health to accountability, they might be more important than you realize.

How to Preserve Your Relationships When Circumstances Change

Big life changes — even positive ones — can cause relationships to suffer. Learn how to weather the storm and come out stronger in the end.

Financial Tricks to Master for a Happier Life

Is it really money you are after? Get your life back and live happier!

15 Tested Tips for Creative Efficiency

Life is rarely going to bless you with long open hours to sit around and paint portraits or write songs or write novels. If you want the time, you have to fight for it.

Great Ways to Invest in Yourself

The best investment you can make has nothing to do with the stock market — learn how to increase your earning power by investing in yourself.

Reverse Bucket List: Look Back Before Looking Forward

Before you make a “bucket list” of things you want to do in life, don't skip this vital first step — it could be the key to happiness.

15 Ways to Gain More Confidence Today

Feeling blah? Down on yourself? Plain-old crummy? If you need a pick-me-up, follow these suggestions for a quick confidence boost.

How to Improve Your Memory (and Even Get a Little Smarter)

Whether you want to guard against dementia or just get better at remembering your grocery list, these suggestions will help you boost your brain power.

The Secret to Time Management and Work-Life Balance

If you want to be happy with your work-life balance, you might be surprised to discover it's about much more than how you manage your time.

A 94-Year-Old's Take on Making Good Decisions

At 94, my grandmother is as independent, effervescent, and opinionated as ever, and she has some good (and surprising) advice about making decisions.

5 Things Angry Birds Has Taught Me About Life

Angry Birds might be a fantastic time waster, but it can also teach you valuable life lessons. Really.

Why Your Big New Year's Resolutions Are Pointless

Forget about your resolutions; there's no point in making them. Okay, that might be harsh...but they're not a good way to make life changes. Learn why.