money lessons

6 Money Lessons You Can Learn From Your Pets

Didn't think you could learn a thing or two about money from your family pet? Think again.

7 Things I Learned About Money After I Went Freelance

Becoming a full-time freelancer means getting serious about money. Here's what one Wise Bread regular learned after making the leap.

7 Money Lessons We Can Learn From Beyoncé

Men and women alike can take away a few critical money lessons from Queen Bey herself.

The 9 Most Important Lessons I Learned About Money When I Became a Landlord

If you want to be a landlord, you'd better brush up on some important money lessons first.

8 Personal Finance Lessons Women Learn in Their 20s

The financial lessons we learn in our 20s prepare us for the decades to follow. Here's what to learn at the intersection of youth, love, and money.

5 Financial Lessons Everyone Should Learn by Kindergarten

Kindergarten kids can — and should — understand these personal finance basics. So should the rest of us.

21 Things That Young Adults Absolutely Need to Know About Money

While most colleges and universities offer personal finance courses, only a fraction of students sign up for them. It's time for a cram session.

Mick Jagger Rarely Buys New and 4 Other Smart Money Lessons From Thrifty Musicians

Too often pop superstardom comes with superstar profligacy. Not so for these five frugal musicians whose smart money habits offer lessons for the rest of us.

5 Things Play Teaches You About Personal Finance

Personal finance is serious business, just like the rest of adulthood. And like the rest of adulthood, we can learn about it through play.

8 Personal Finance Tips for Introverts

Are you an introvert? If so, your inclinations to listening, thinking, and looking before leaping are well suited to earning, saving, and investing.

5 Things People Who Are Good With Money Never Say

If you want to get better at managing your money, watch what you say.

5 Money Lessons People Learn at Their First Job

A first job teaches plenty about getting and keeping a job. A first paycheck teaches us a few things about getting and keeping money, too.

Do You Know These 5 Financial Lessons Most People Learn in Their 40s?

Being forty-something means you've got life all sorted out, right? Confused or certain, these are the money lessons you must learn before 50.

9 Financial Lessons People Learn in High School — Did You?

While high schoolers don't often have complicated financial lives, money is still part of growing up. Many early lessons carry on to adulthood.

10 Places to Get Free Personal Finance Classes

Wise Bread is a great source of personal finance basics, but only one thing beats a proper, quality financial education — a FREE high quality financial education.

Zooey Deschanel Never Pays Late Fees and 5 Other Smart Money Lessons From Celebrities

You don't have to be a spendthrift just because you're rich and famous. Here's how six super thrifty celebs get by.

12 Ways Kids Can Teach Us About Money

If you pay attention, kids can teach a lot about money — from smart ways to save to healthy attitudes about self worth. Watch for these lessons.

6 Personal Finance Books You Should Read

If you're looking to deepen your personal finance knowledge, you'll profit by reading any of these six in depth and clearly written books.

5 Financial Lessons Everyone Should Learn in Their 30s (Did You?)

Being thirty-something means adult-sized responsibilities — and adult-sized money lessons. Have you learned these key financial lessons?

5 Money Lessons I Learned From Watching Wheel of Fortune

What can missing letters and a big spinning wheel teach about personal finance? Plenty, if you know where to look.