Articles on Banking

Are You Happy With Your Bank?

The American Customer Satisfaction Index tells us how citizens feel about their banks. But the most important question is, how do you feel about yours?

Beware Celebrities Bearing Prepaid Cards

From the Kardashians to Justin Bieber, celebs are endorsing prepaid cards. Learn how these cards can drain your funds faster than saying, "Baby, baby, baby."

ChexSystems: What It Is, and How It Can Make It Difficult for You to Open a Bank Account

Most of us know that looking at our credit report is part of maintaining financial health, but what about our banking report? Enter ChexSystems.

How Traditional Banking Practices Can Make You Poor

Traditional banking practices benefit the banks, not the customer. Discover how, if you're not careful, banks can hurt your finances.

The Power of the Customer in Banking

When big banks make big changes we don't like, it's easy to feel helpless. But the truth is that raising your voice can make a real difference.

12 Annoying Bank Fees and How to Avoid Them

Account fees have become big business for banks and a major drain on consumers’ pocketbooks. Protect your balance by avoiding these 12 common fees.

The Lincoln Guide to Personal Finance

President Abraham Lincoln invested most of his presidential paychecks in Treasury Bonds. Discover why his method is still good advice today.

Preparing Financially for a Natural Disaster

Hurricane Sandy's devastation served as an important reminder for many — when it comes to emergency planning, you need an emergency financial plan too.

The Best Prepaid Debit Cards

Prepaid debit cards offer the convenience of a regular credit card...with some unexpected benefits. Learn more about these financial tools.

Common Money-Saving Mistakes That Can Cost Big Bucks

Some common efforts to save actually result in wasting money. Think twice and avoid these common pitfalls.

The Types of Savings Accounts: Which Is Right For You?

Everyone needs an emergency fund, but with interest rates on savings accounts so low, where should you keep this money? Here are your options.

The Slow Bleed: Plugging Your Financial Leaks

Don't let your finances suffer death by a thousand cuts! Learn to stop the little leaks that add up to big bucks.

Easy Ways to Rein in Your Spending Without Sacrificing Fun

Think that frugality means sacrifice? Not necessarily. These four suggestions help you cut costs, not enjoyment.

Why I Like Big Banks

Lots of people are ditching their big banks for credit unions — but not this writer. Read on to find out why she loves her big bank.

4 Quirky Ways to Spend Less and Kick-Start Saving

Learning to spend less and save more doesn't isn't intimidating when you follow these enjoyable, unconventional strategies.

SaveUp Giving Away $1000 to Wise Bread Readers

To enter simply tell us what motivates you to save.

How Simplifying Your Accounts Can Improve Your Finances

Discover how you can simplify your life and improve your finances at the same time by minimizing and streamlining your accounts.

How to Get Rid of and Avoid Late Fees

Of all the ways you can waste money, paying late fees is one of the worst. Learn how to never pay another late fee again.

How to Set Up Automatic Payments

Sick of sitting down to pay the bills? Don't! Set up automatic payments, and let your bank (or the company you're paying!) do the work for you.

How to Switch Banks

Getting tired of high ATM fees and no interest on your savings account? Want to switch to a better bank or credit union? Do so in a few easy steps.