Articles on Cars and Transportation

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Find out how to get cheap gas, energy-saving driving tips, maps, and more...

My Car is a Lemon! What Now?

It all looked so great at the outset. But numerous trips to the mechanic and problems at the side of the road have shown you that you unwittingly purchased a lemon of a car.

Save gas; don't make left-hand turns.

You have to hand it to UPS. They crunched the numbers, they looked at the hard facts and they figured out that by limiting the number of left-hand turns made, you can save a whole

The Dirt on Travel Insurance

In the world of travel insurance, no two policies are the same. Different activities and locales are covered in different ways between insurance companies, and even within the same

When to drop collision coverage on your car

A few years back, I got a tidy little lesson in exactly what collision coverage is. We'd had a car damaged in an accident, damaged pretty badly. So, it wasn't a surprise

Chicago Wants to Keep the Change

Instead of using technology to make life easier for drivers, Chicago wants to digitally keep the change.

Better cars are not the answer

Wise Bread is an optimistic place. There are some people who can't see the congruence between optimism and frugality. I'm talking about the people who point to our progre

Hitching a Ride on an Airplane

Hitch hiking has been done for years and years. Simply stick your thumb out and wait for a benevolent driver to stop. But how about thumbing a ride on an airplane?

High tech for mass transit

The local bus company where I live has started providing a bunch of high-tech aids to riders. The coolest one is sophisticated trip planning. [more]

My car payments are too much! What should I do?

Last August, I decided to purchase my first new car ever. I had only ever owned used (and entirely paid-for) vehicles prior to this. I researched the type of car that I wanted and

Plan for expensive fuel

Does your budget include a contingency for fuel to get much more expensive? Because it ought to. I learned about the need for contingencies early. [more]

Broken down? Turn your pencil into a flashlight.

If there's one thing I know about travel, it's be prepared. But it's sometimes easier said than done. We all know we should carry emergency supplies in the trunk of the car, and one of those essentials is a flashlight. [more]

Dangerous neighborhoods are safer than commuting

Why do so few people live within walking--or at least bicycling--distance from where they work? I've asked a lot of people this question and gotten a lot of different answers. Some people want big houses, others big lawns. [more]

Frugal Transport--bicycling

Three years ago I started bicycling to work. It was a gradual thing. It took extra planning to ride--there were issues with clothing, issues with carrying stuff on the bike.

Dead car battery? Give it a glass of red wine.

  I love quick fixes for problems. [more]

The Bank of Gasoline

Fuel prices may be going down, but for some motorists fuel prices never went up. Over 8,000 motorists in the St. Cloud, MN area are paying an average of $.50 to $1.50 less per gall

Is Infrastructure Destiny?

Today is National Ride Your Bike to Work Day. I have a bike but I chose to drive in my “Share the Road” license-plate embellished car today. Why? The route from home to office, though short, is treacherous. [more]

Will gas top $4 a gallon this summer? I say yes.

Before you go jumping all over the place and pointing out that I have done no real market analysis to back up my prediction, I would like to point out: I have done no real market analysis to back up my prediction. [more]

Removing Car Scratches: The Revenge of the Frugal Body Shop

Scratches are annoying and prevalent forms of car damage. We all get them, they really look awful and I've been hunting for new and old techniques for removal. Here are a few.