Articles on Debt Management

How to Go on a Financial Detox

Spending too much? Learn how to perform a deep cleanse of your impulsive money mistakes and find balance in your checkbook.

What Easter Island Can Teach Us About Money

What do the iconic stone statues and barren landscape of Easter Island have to do with modern financial planning? As it turns out, quite a lot.

How to Spend Less Without Starting a Budget

If you've had trouble making or following a budget, don't despair! You might be better off without one. Learn why — and how to save no matter what.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Debt Snowball Method

If you're trying to pay off a stack of debts, the snowball method can give you the motivation you need to knock them all out. Learn how.

Escape Student Loan Debt — Slowly

If you have student loan debt you think you'll never be able to pay off, new rules might help substantially ease your burden.

Should You Lend to Friends and Family?

Lending money to friends or family is a generous thing to do, but it can also strain on your relationship. Read this to help decide whether or not you should.

Best Money Tips: Paying Off Your Debt

Today we found some awesome articles on paying off your debt, asking for a raise, and saving cash at the airport.

Ways to Track Debt

If you're not keeping track of debt, you're probably not making much progress in paying it off. Follow one of these methods to easily track and pay off your debt.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Avoid Debt

Today we found some great articles on ways to avoid debt, tips for applying for a job online, and how to stretch your paycheck and make it last longer.

Building a Credit History

A good credit history can save you a small fortune over a lifetime. Here's how to build one.

Best Money Tips: Combat Student Loan Debt

Today we found some great articles on how to combat student loan debt, things to consider when signing up for a loyalty program, and ways to save on gas.

Best Money Tips: Get Rid of Your Debt

Today we found some great articles on ways to get rid of your debt, how to avoid going from frugal to cheap, and how to choose the right investment firm.

John Cummuta: Transforming Your Debt Into His Wealth

The "Transforming Debt Into Wealth" guy claims he can make you debt-free in five-to-seven years. But is it really doable? We ran the numbers to find out.

Book Review: Debt Free for Life

There's a lot to like about author David Bach's two-step approach to paying down debt.

Book Review: The Road Out of Debt

The classic story of victory over debt is success through work and frugality. But real life is not always so positive, and that's why this book is so useful.

Lower Interest Rates with Credit Sesame and Lending Club

First I consolidated my credit cards using a service that barely changed my inflated interest rates. Then I got a better deal — here's how.

Student Loans: How to Make Post-College Decisions

Making decisions about student loans doesn’t have to be difficult. But it should be personalized.

Dealing with Post-Holiday Credit Card Debt

It's not the most wonderful time of the year when the first credit card bills from the holiday season start to arrive. Here's how to pay them off.

Beyond Debt-Free: Getting By in the New Economy

Living debt-free is a great goal — but as the economy remains shaky, is that enough? Discover more ways to make sure you're on solid financial ground.

How (and Why) to Help Your Parents Pay Off Their Mortgage

Many parents find themselves saddled with a mortgage well into retirement. Learn how to help your folks pay off theirs without taking on the debt yourself.