Articles on Taxes

Ask the Readers: Are You Ready for Tax Season?

Tell us whether you're ready for tax season and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What to Do Now to Prepare for Tax Season

Tax Day may seem far away, but after we celebrate the new year, it'll be here before you know it. Here's what you can do now to get ready.

Ask the Readers: Do You File Your Own Taxes?

Tell us whether you file or own taxes and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Tax Secrets of the Rich

Today we found articles on tax secrets of the rich, ways to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle, and household chores you should outsource.

Are You Withholding the Right Amount of Taxes from Your Paycheck?

Does tax time leave you with a huge refund or a huge bill? Your withholding is off. Here's how to fix it.

It's Your Last Chance to Claim These 8 Tax Deductions

Tax Day 2018 is a big one; this will be your last chance to claim these major tax deductions.

4 Things You Need to Know About Gift Tax

There's a tax on financial gifts? Of course there is — and guess what else? It's very convoluted.

Tariffs: What They Are and How They Impact Your Finances

Tariffs have been in the news a lot lately. What are they, exactly, and what will they mean for your money?

15 Odd American Taxes You May Have to Pay

Ben Franklin said taxes were one of the only certainties in life. These odd tax laws certainly raise an eyebrow.

5 Countries With No (Or Very Low) Taxes

Heading to one of these countries with very low taxes could be the ticket to paying less in taxes.

5 Tax Myths That Can Be Costly for Expats

If you're an expat or a digital nomad, don't let these common misconceptions about taxes come back to bite you.

Here's What to Do If You Get Audited

You're being audited. Don't panic — these steps will help you navigate the process.

5 Creative Ways to Relieve Stress During Tax Season

Tax season can be a major source of stress, but here's how to make it a little more relaxing.

What You Need to Know About Canceled Debt and Taxes

If you think debt forgiveness can make your financial liability disappear altogether, you're likely wrong.

5 Tax Mistakes Freelancers Need to Stop Making

When you run your own business, taxes can be tricky. Don't let these tax mistakes derail your freelance finances.

5 Tax Scams You Should Know About for 2018

Don't hand your tax refund over to fraudsters. Watch out for these common and costly tax scams.

12 Things You Should Know About the New Tax Law

The Trump administration recently rolled out its new tax law. Here are the major changes you need to know about.

Don't Get Audited! How Your Side Gig Needs to Handle Taxes

The sharing economy has given us easy ways to make serious side cash. Just don't forget to set aside some for Uncle Sam!

6 Moves You Should Make Now for Your 2018 Taxes

The end of the year is fast approaching. Take some time now to get your taxes in order and you'll thank yourself come April.

6 Ways the Government Helps Disaster Victims Recover

The government is playing a vital role in helping disaster victims get back on their feet. Find out how your tax dollars work!