
How to Deal with Recession Anxiety

These methods will help you to avoid participating in the recession and the fear mongering that prevail during such periods.

Recession Journal V: Mind, The GAP

Some well known mainstays of Corporate America have decided not to wait for an official recovery but to sell the idea of it to you. Can we collectively as corporate citizens and co

Ask the Readers: Are We Making a Comeback?

News analysts, finance gurus, and even the guy at the grocery store all have their opinions on whether this is the tail end of a painful spot in our economic history. What do you t

Recession Journal Part IV: The Double-Dip Trip

So everybody is saying it may finally be over, this recession. And it may very well be but if you're thinking that a turnaround is here and your money is burning a hole in your poc

What Does the Word "Recession" Mean to You? (Answer for a Chance to Win $10!)

Economists have it defined. News anchors provide ample commentary on what it is and how it affects us. But what about the "real" people living in today's economy? Do they "feel"

The new normal economy

The economy is way short of full employment, so naturally, consumer spending is down. Sooner or later employment, I think, will return to normal levels. Consumer spending will re

How Your Small Business Can Survive the Recession

By most accounts, this is going to be a long recession, and we’re still on the downward slope. As a small business owner, you will be forced to make drastic moves to survive. As yo

Economic effects of pandemic flu in a recession

While health authorities worry about the human cost of pandemics, other policy-makers have tended to focus on the economic costs. Economic impact takes many forms--drops in produc

Child Abuse and the Recession

As the economy falters, so does the patience of some parents, leading them to act out their frustrations in the worst possible way. Here are some tips on how to avoid this loss of


Stagflation, the bane of the 1970s, is pretty much the worst situation for ordinary folks. With the economy depressed, jobs are scarce for workers and profits are scarce for busin

The end of a recession versus recovery

There's an organization that picks the "official" dates for the beginning and ending of recessions. It considers the recession as running from the top of the peak to the bottom of

Recession Journal Part II: Broke or Poor?

We must understand fundamentally while some of our exercises in saving go for naught and why when things turn around, we forget our lessons. Unfortunately in America just eat one b

Recession Journal Part I: 'Fast' Money in the '09

Forget about the fact that it's a recession. What you do now determines where you will be when the graph trends up again. What if you stopped dropping duckets like you dropped weig

Time for some new retro

For some time now, we've had good success drawing on the decades from the 1950s through the 1990s for our retro. Some bolder types have even made some use of the 1890s and 1920s--

Is hunting/fishing a good way to feed your family?

As times get tougher, I have began to wonder how many people will turn to hunting and fishing as a means to provide food for their families. I don't think I have the stamina to tra

The Upside of an Economic Downturn?

Some studies have found that indicators of a healthy population actually go up when the economy goes south.

Inflation is going away for a while

For a decade, starting in the mid-1990s, the Federal Reserve kept interest rates too low and expanded the money supply too quickly. Their theory was that, as long as consumer pric

Peak Debt

Is there a limit to how much Americans can spend? Clearly there is: All they earn, minus savings and service on their existing debt, plus new borrowing. Since the Bureau of Econ

Could the last person to leave America please turn out the light.

I don’t know about you, but I’m more than a little worried by recent economic events. First Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, then Lehman Brothers, and now an $85 billion loan to AIG. So

Does living frugally hurt the economy?

When I advocate for frugal living, people sometimes ask, "What if everybody lived like that?  Wouldn't it hurt the economy?"  My natural inclination toward frugal liv