small business

Should You Spend Money on Education?

A small business owner always has to be learning, but even if money isn't an issue, time is in short supply for most entrepreneurs.

What Stuxnet Means for Small Business

Cybercrime in general and Stuxnet in specific presents clear financial threats to you and your business.

How to Focus on Your Ideal Customer

Small businesses need to create a persona of their ideal customer — not average, but ideal — so they have an actual living, breathing person in mind to target.

What Your Employees' Personal Branding Means to Your Company

Anyone employed by your business, down to the receptionist, may be promoting himself through blogging, social media, and other tactics.

Food Truck Envy: Should You Jump on This Hot Food Trend?

If you live in a city, you may wonder if it's time to quit your day job and join the legions of food truck owners you see around town.

Local Branding: Make Your Company Part of the Community

Being seen as a valuable member of your local community can keep you in mind for prospective customers or clients in a way that many other branding strategies can't.

13 Ways to Use Social Media in Business

You have social-media savvy that could benefit your company. Here’s how to work with your boss to get attention and results.

Save Money and Go Green by Making Your Office Paperless

The idea of a "paperless" office has been around a long time. The right system can streamline an office into a more efficient and green business.

How Operations Can Support Ecommerce Growth

To get expert guidance on building, refining, and expanding the operational infrastructure and day-to-day processes that support ecommerce sales, I spoke with Zach Piech.

Does Energy-Efficient Equipment Make a Difference in Operating Costs?

Energy-efficient equipment is promoted as a way to save money for your business, but will the money saved make a noticeable difference in your operating costs?

Basic Tips for Investing in a Business

Investment is that exercise of applying your money in a particular endeavor, for the pursuit of growing one's money. We cover some basic tips for investing in a business.

12 Business Founders Who Succeeded Without a College Degree

Here are a few incredibly successful business founders who decided to take the leap and start a business without going to college.

New Tax Breaks for the Swift

The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 created new opportunities for businesses to save on their taxes in 2010 and beyond. Here are some actions that can prove beneficial to you.

How to Secure Business Financing Without a Personal Guarantee

You can build your business credit fairly quickly and potentially eliminate the need for a personal guarantee if you plan for it from the outset.

Bringing in a Pro to Value Your Business: The Questions You Must Ask

A business appraiser or a certified valuation analyst has the education and expertise necessary to put a dollar value on a company.

Which Is Better for Your Business: Debt or Equity?

Is debt or equity better for your business?

Lessons We Can Learn From Blockbuster's Demise

As the video giant Blockbuster files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, marketing experts everywhere are asking the same question: what went wrong?

Writing Your Own Business Plan: Thrifty or Foolish?

Are you really saving money by writing your business plan yourself?

How to Raise Money on “Crowdfunding” Sites

Crowdfunding enable entrepreneurs in artisanal and creative businesses to collect small donations from friends, family, and acquaintances to bring a project to fruition.

Financial Statement Analysis: Recognizing Debt Overload

Business owners can avoid "delayed realization" by recognizing unwieldy debt structures, which could destroy their companies.