social networking

How to Distinguish Yourself Online From People With the Same Name as You

Who shares your name online — a fugitive? Or worse, a reality show star? Learn how to distinguish yourself from other people with the same name online.

Avoiding Social Media Slip-Ups at Work

Yes, you can get fired for complaining about work on Facebook, and even the smartest, savviest people can stumble. Follow these suggestions to stay safe.

Would You Pay? The Brave New World of Online Music

There's a new idea on the horizon to get people to pay for the music they download. The gist is pretty simple--make listening to and downloading music into a game, like Foursqua

Why do Facebook Ads not take me seriously?

Facebook and other social networking sites know an awful lot about you from what you say when you first sign up. As a single woman over 30 years of age, I got tired of Facebook ads

When MySpace Meets your Local Producer: Fresh Food Makes a Tech Leap

MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn are familiar (and often tired) ways to reach out to others with similar interests and goals. So why am I not surprised to see Social Networking hit

The Not-So-Private Parts

Raise your hand if you’ve never used Google or any of its services, don’t belong to any social network (including sites like Flickr, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), don’t have (