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Rod Griffin

Director, Public Education for Experian

Latest articles by Rod Griffin

4 Steps to Simplify Car Shopping in the New Year

Before you head to the dealer for a new car this year, make sure you have your finances in order.

Want Financial Education in Schools? Follow the Example of One Kansas Teen

Kansas Legislature passed a law requiring high school students to complete a CPR course to graduate. We need to push just as hard for financial education.

Make a List and Check It Twice to Save Money and Reduce Fraud Risk During the Holidays

This holiday season, take a page out of Santa's book and make a list and check it twice to save big bucks.

Is Student Loan Debt as Bad as It Seems?

Student loan debt is clearly a major financial burden for recent grads, but is it as bad as other kinds of debt?

7 Ways Using Credit Can Help You Enjoy a Cheaper, Safer Summer Vacation

Believe it or not, using credit cards to pay for your summer vacation can save you money and protect your identity.