10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Become More Hirable


If you are currently on the hunt for employment or have been considering a venture into a new job, there may be some things that need your attention pronto. It's easy to become complacent, especially if you've been working in the same job for multiple years. But when it is time to find a new job, you may have a lot of catching up to do. (See also: Crucial Job Search Steps Most People Skip)

Here are 10 things you can do right now and in the coming weeks that can make you more hirable.

1. Start Removing Socially Inappropriate Posts and Comments

Social media has been known to help prospective job seekers land a position they may not have had access to otherwise. It is time to start thinking of your social media pages as an extension of your resume. Remove pictures, memes, and commentary you wouldn't want a potential new boss to see. Sending the wrong message may keep a lot of doors closed so clean up your pages.

2. Invest Time in Social Media Upgrades

In addition to removing potentially embarrassing things from your Facebook page, you should take the time to update other social profiles you have on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and the like. If you've never opened an account, now is a good time to start learning how to make it work for you in the job arena. Those in need of new employees have been known to conduct searches for talent through these online networks. (See also: Your Web Presence May Be More Valuable Than Your Credit Rating)

3. Update Your Resume

Simply adding a date to your last job history is not a good enough resume update. Take the time to restructure the resume information now that you've have more experience under your belt. Consider what matters most and set up your resume accordingly. Make sure it looks clean, concise, and professional.

4. Change Your Email

If you are trying to be taken seriously in the job market, do yourself a favor and set up an email address that is professional. Some hiring managers may be very turned off by your ladiesman4life@hotmail.com address. Try using a variation of your name, and earmark the account for business correspondence only. Add the new email to your social profiles and resume.

5. Understand the Requirements

Start looking through different job postings to get a better feel for what people are looking for in a new hire. It is often hard to toot our own horns, but you can learn what people want and how to tailor yourself to fit in as a good candidate in your industry.

6. Network Outside of the Box

There are plenty of ways to land a job that go beyond applying to job postings on the Internet or the newspaper. Get out and meet people in new places. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community while meeting people in high places you'd likely not have connected with outside of volunteering. Volunteering also can add something positive to your resume in both skills and social consciousness. (See also: Hidden Networks That Can Help You Land Jobs)

7. Update Skills, Certification, Education

Depending on your industry, there may be some credentials you are lacking. Find out which ones matter and work on obtaining or enhancing these things through online courses, adult education classes, or industry certifications.

8. Become a Virtual Expert

Even if you are not interested in doing freelance work, you could still use your skills and experience on a blog platform. By writing about the things you know, you could create another method for showing off your expertise to hiring managers and other valuable connections. Blogs are often free and simple to set up. Promote your writings on your social media pages to attract more attention. Add the blog URL to your resume and social pages.

9. Hold Practice Interviews

If it has been some time since you went out on a job interview, don't take for granted that you'll nail it without a little practice. Ask a friend or family member to stage a mock interview and listen to their critiques. This can help ward off nerves and ensure you are prepared to handle an official interview. Keep notes about your achievements and experience you'd like to bring up in the interview about, so you don't forget them out of nervousness. (See also: Answer 23 of the Most Common Interview Questions)

10. Follow Up on Opportunities

After several rounds of interviews, hiring managers may find it difficult to choose between candidates. After leaving the interview, help set yourself apart from the others by sending a handwritten thank you note to the interviewer. Refer to a specific part of the interview and let them know you appreciate their time. Wait a week and then follow up again to inquire about the decision-making process.

Are you doing anything to make yourself more attractive to employers? Lets us know in comments!

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