15 Genius Gifts for Office Secret Santa


Secret Santa — this can be a career minefield disguised as a fun end-of-the year activity. But no matter how limiting the price cap on your office exchange, or how stuck you are on what to buy, there are plenty of fun and appropriate gifts to go around. Spread a little office cheer with some of these clever finds.

$20 or Less

Twenty bucks is a good budget for some pretty decent gifts, but you should still give this some thought.

1. A DIY Treat That Won’t End Up in the Trash

Homemade Vodka Infusion — $20 (varies depending on ingredients)

2. For the Frazzled Help Desk Staff

Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again? T-shirt — $19.99

3. For the Receptionist With the Sweet Tooth

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Bites — $16.95

4. A Tiny Bike for the Office Cyclist (That Doubles as a Bottle Opener)

Bike Multitool Keychain — $16.50

5. For the Indie Girl Across the Aisle

Printed Headphones — $16

$10 or Less

You'll have to work a little harder to stay on budget and get your giftee something great at this price ceiling.

6. For the Sales Team That Holds Their Meetings at the Wine Bar

Wine Teeth Wipes — $9.04

7. When Holiday Sweets Leave Sticky Screens

Dodocool Microfiber Magic Smart Cleaning Cloth — $9

8. For Your Three’s Company-Loving Gen X Boss

Mini It Color TV Memo Pad — $9

9. An Office Pet That Won’t Starve Over Labor Day Weekend

Fish Bowl With Swimming Fish — $8.44

10. For the Accountant Who’s Afraid Real Bacon Will Give Him Cancer

Bacon-Flavored Toothpaste — $6.91

$5 or Less

While five bucks is very budget friendly, finding something memorable at this price point can be a real challenge.

11. For Those Midday Snacks and Spreads

Zyliss Sandwich Knife and Condiment Spreader — $4.99

12. For Reminding Tech Support of the Power of the Reboot

Reboot Power Charms — $4.95

13. For the Cute Staff Librarian

Owl Candles — $3.95

14. For the Fidgety Conference Attendee

iCube Puzzle — $3.44

15. A New Use for Cardboard

Google Virtual Reality Cardboard Glasses With Resin Lens — $2.89

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