'Tis the season, as in, the 4th quarter of the calendar year! That magical time when seasonal retail employees are needed the most, and hired en masse to meet the demand from Black Friday through January. If you have kids, try these five great retail gigs for working parents.
The best retailer for working parents could very well be Patagonia, the clothing and gear brand beloved by trekkers and puffy-vest fans everywhere. Why? They have free on-site child care for employees. You read that right! This also means that 100% of employees return to their post after their maternity leave.
So how do you climb your way into that gig? Well, it's not so much a seasonal gig as it is a job in their headquarters, which is in Ventura, CA. Not such a bad relocation, though.
In similar step with Patagonia, another purveyor of outdoorsy goods Lands' End also provides lots of benefits to workers. In addition to many citing its company culture as safe, fair, and open, they also boast some competitive benefits, including: health insurance, 401K, subsidized on-site food services, a wellness center –– all great benefits for parents. Time to apply for a position now!
That's right, the supermarket chain known across the East Coast for great food and service is also a great employer. Wegmans is number four on the Best Companies to Work For list in 2016.
Why are they so great? Wegmans covers 85%-100% of employees' and their dependents health insurance. Many employees are even offered dental insurance. Plus, if you're a college student, they help pay your tuition. If you live in the Northeast and are looking for a job, this would be a good one. Plus, they make really delicious doughnuts.
Need a chain store with more locations, and most likely to be near your home? Staples is a very good option.
Staples employees get an Aetna health insurance plan for a deduction of $30 per paycheck, or $60 for those with dependents. Workers also get short-term disability insurance, and access to a service that can pair them with financial services and child care. Not too shabby!
If it wasn't already hard to avoid spending money at Costco, everyone's favorite bulk-everything retailer is also famously good to its employees. Employee perks for America's second-largest retailer include: choosing your own health plan if you work over 24 hours per week, a 401K plan, an FSA account to use pretax income for child care, and an employee care program that includes access to mental health, and financial professionals.
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