5 Websites for Swapping Your Clothes and Refreshing Your Wardrobe


Clothing swap parties have become popular in recent years as frugal and fashion conscious men and women find that trading clothes is a great way to update a wardrobe for next to nothing. For those of you who are not into attending or organizing these parties, it is possible to trade your gently used clothes from the comfort of your home. Here are five websites that help you achieve this.


Swapstyle is a fairly old clothing swap site that has a large number of listings. It is open to those in the United States, Australia, and Europe. You have to post a picture of the item you want to swap and can also set a sale price for the item in case someone wants to just buy it. There is a fee to become address verified and there is a fairly rudimentary ratings system. Basically you can give a positive "token" for someone who sent something good and a negative point for someone who did not keep their promise.


Rehash is a site where you can exchange clothes and also textbooks. It works like SwapStyle, but it is a little easier to use in my opinion. You can sign up for an account and put in a short description of your item with several pictures. Then you can specify if you would like to trade with everyone or locals only. You can also put up what you are looking for. When you bid on an item you can drag and drop the items you are willing to trade, and then if the bid is accepted you can negotiate with the other "Rehasher" how the swap should be conducted.

Dig N' Swap

Dig N' Swap is another simple site that works like Rehash or SwapStyle. It does not have as large of a selection as the other two sites, but it is free and pretty easy to use. All you have to do is search and bid on the items you want and negotiate a swap. The downside to this site is that it seems to be somewhat neglected so you may not find what you want.


thredUP is a brand new site available to those in the United States that has a different approach to the clothing swap. You do not have to upload any pictures or deal with any descriptions. Instead, you simply fill in a few details about the items you want to trade such as brand and color. Then you can order thredUp envelopes and the website's algorithm will match the swaps for you. It is sort of like a clothing lottery, but you can set your clothing preferences in your profile and hope for the best. You can also review the items you received and receive points that you can redeem for more envelopes and other gifts. Right now the cost is $25.00 for 3 prepaid envelopes, but new users will get the first three envelopes for $12.50. I personally think that the price for the envelopes is a bit steep considering that the service is only focusing on shirts right now, but if the selection gets bigger and more valuable pieces of clothing may be swapped then it could be worthwhile. Also, it definitely takes time and patience to find the things you want on the sites that require a photo and description so this site might save you quite a bit of time. Right now the site is still in testing and you can sign up instantly through my invite link. thredUP is currently offering a free envelope for each person you invite.

Closet Infinite

Closet Infinite is a service that is only available in Singapore right now, but the concept is fairly interesting. Basically, people could donate the pieces of clothing they no longer want for a 6 months subscription to the Closet Infinite clothing rental service. The donated clothes or accessory is not returned, but the donor would have access to borrow all of Closet Infinite's inventory of donations. Supposedly the company is working on an international version, but I imagine it is not too hard for someone to set up a similar service in any country.

Generally it is good etiquette to trade items that are in good condition. If you do decide to trade items in person then it is probably safer to do it in a public place, and if you do mail items then you should check if the shipping costs are worthwhile. Sometimes it may be cheaper to just buy something at a thrift or consignment shop. If you do need to clear out your closet and get clothes that are "new to you", then clothing swapping is definitely a budget friendly way to refresh your wardrobe.

Have you ever swapped clothes on these sites or at a physical party? How was your experience?

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Guest's picture

This is a really great idea. I always have clothes that I hold on to because they are too nice to throw away but I just never wear them. I will be using these sites instead in the future.

Guest's picture

There are some really great sites on here. I think swapping goods and services is a great way to save money. The barter system has worked for thousands of years. I try my best to save my money so my family can prosper. I only have room in my budget for a few luxuries like movie tickets once a month, a subscription to http://tagmyphone.com/ (funny), and a book a month for each of the kids. (they have to keep reading or their education will suffer)

Also, depending on where you live, flea markets are a great place to find cheap (not free) stuff for your family too.

Guest's picture

You missed out www.posh-swaps.com. It is free to swap, buy and sell clothes.

Guest's picture

Hey Folks,

Just wanted to personally invite you to try thredUP yourself. The pre-paid envelopes you buy right now basically just cover postage and printing, so the service is essentially free to try. I encourage you to use Xin's code and hook her up with free envelopes!


Guest's picture

Hi there,

Thanks for a great review of an amazing concept!

You missed out http://www.iSwish.co.nz in your review. iSwish is an exciting newly launched clothing swap site where you can join, list items and swap item for item ALL FOR FREE. In addition there is an option to upgrade and swish for credits.

I am currently upgrading my wardrobe for the upcoming spring in NZ!

Hope to see you at iSwish!

Nora Dunn's picture

What a great idea. Just when your wardrobe gets drab - swap! Thanks for this.

Guest's picture

Nobody has said anything about specifying sizes. I'm a gal who's "built for comfort, not for speed" and I've always had a problem finding larger sizes that have any real style at all. Big seams to always be blah.

Do any of these sites have a larger than normal range of sizes?

Guest's picture

I highly recommend www.bigwardobe.com. It's the internets no. 1 fashion swap site with more listed items than all of the above put together. Don't understand why it's not mentioned... V odd?!

Guest's picture

maybe its because that site has a reputation for copying other swap websites, right down to their tag lines! swappers aren't idiots, it can try to say its number one over and over, but its glaringly obvious its small and just trying to ride the tails of other larger sites. Meh...good luck, if you stop copying you may get a look in :)

Guest's picture
Stacey Phelps

Not to bad mouth clothes swapping but...
Given what I do in mine, it would be kind of yucky wearing used clothes. How would you get the smell out? Just not sanitary if you ask me.

Guest's picture

I can only comment on iSwish.co.nz but what a lot of people don't realise is that a lot of the clothes are new and some still with tags on - and even when they are worn they have to be lightly worn...the way I see it half the clothes you buy in high street are lightly to be have tried on and worn more than these items!!!
Personally I don't have a problem with 2ndhand anyway...guess I am used to it growing up with sisters! We have formed a local group on iswish and swap between us its great!

Guest's picture

I have been to a clothing swap and it was great! Not only was I able to get rid of clothing that did not fit anymore but I got some great clothes in return. I will definitely go to a clothing swap again.

Guest's picture

I live fairly close to Dallas, TX. Every few months an organization in Dallas hold a clothing swap. The idea behind it is you show up to the clothing swap with a grocery bag full of old used clothes, and you leave with a grocery bag of new used clothes. Anything left over at the end of the day get donated to shelters and clothing distribution center. The few that I have attended, I have been able to find a few good items. If I don't find anything that I like, I can feel good knowing that my old clothes are not just sitting in the corner of my closet collecting dust. Instead, they are being used by people who could use them.

Guest's picture
tl black

That sounds like an amazing idea. I'm living in France now though--does anyone know of any clothes swaps here?

Also, it's not 'ewww' to wear used clothes! Think about it, you eat off of used plates all the time. Do you ever stay in a hotel? If you do, you sleep in used sheets, on used pillows etc. Most people aren't giving away their underwear, and I'd say everything else is free game! You could always WASH things.

What's ewwww is trashing our planet with a bunch of extra textiles that don't need to be around.

Guest's picture

I just tried thredUP and have had a great experience. I got rid of one shirt I wasn't wearing and received one back that is definitely going into my rotation.

Keep in mind that the $12.50 cost is for three trades and includes postage. You are basically paying for the postage right now.

Anyway, I really like the site cause it was so easy.

Guest's picture

Clothes swapping! This is the perfect solution for those who want to change their look and keep it up to date or fresh without having to spend spend spend.

I personally adore what I call 'previously enjoyed' clothing and am constantly extolling the virtues of shopping at thrift and secondhand stores. I have to admit, the swapping concept is new to me.

Would I swap one of my items of clothing with someone else in exchange for one of theirs? Sure thing. I'd swap my children for a pair of must-have shoes or a to-die-for coat. But then I am the meanest woman on the planet! Thanks for this tip, I can feel a whole new wardrobe coming on :-)

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Guest's picture

love love love swapstyle thanks for this info!

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Micah V

Nice! I can't believe this article has been posted for 2 years and I've never heard of these sites. I do love the idea of swapping clothes online, all that extra reach really opens up a lot more possibilities. I've found it's the same with other sites that offer used clothing (not necessarily swap sites), in that you have access to a wider selection just by virtue that companies like Goodwill can now sell their clothes to anyone in the country who can access their website, which is shopgoodwill.com if you're interested in checking it out. I also like http://www.remedyoutfitters.com/ and have had pretty good results using Ebay and Bonanzle.

I pretty much never ever pay more than 1/3rd the retail cost for clothes these days :)

Guest's picture

Good list, I hadn't heard of several of those. You should also check out http://ecofreek.com to search for free and swap clothing.

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