6 Apps Every Dad Needs


Whether you're a new dad or a seasoned pro, life certainly gets hectic with work and family in the mix. Here are some useful tools that will help you feel better organized, as well as healthier and more confident. (Related: The 4 Worst Mistakes Good Parents Make)

1. Cozi

Chances are, with lots of people living under one roof, life can get crazy. The worst part? You all have different schedules. Take charge with Cozi, a social organizer for busy families. You can color code each family member's work, school, and personal schedules on one shared calendar. Write up grocery, chore, and other to-do lists to distribute with ease. You can even share photos and other information with your extended family.

2. Quick Tips for New Dads

Didn't have time to read all those parenting books before your kid was born? No worries. With Quick Tips for New Dads, you'll get everything you need to know in your phone. Check out quick snippets of useful information on everything from bottle feeding to naptime routines to looking after mom. With over 250 added stress-busting tips, this app is your holy grail for surviving that first year.

3. Mint Bills

You have enough things to worry about besides when your utilities or cable bills are due. And don't mention those dreaded late fees! Some banks have awesome apps you can use to manage your money. If yours isn't one of them, wrangle your due dates and payments with Mint Bills. Set up all your bank account, credit card, and bills information once, and the app does the rest of the work.

4. 7-Minute Workout

Being a dad sometimes means skipping workouts to make way for other obligations. Put the power in your back pocket with the 7-Minute Workout app by Wahoo Fitness. You can sneak in a sweat session whenever you find spare time or even combine a few for a longer routine. Each session groups 12 high-intensity bodyweight exercises (no equipment or gym required) at 30 seconds each with 10 seconds of rest between moves. A healthy dad is a happy dad, so take care of yourself.

5. College Saving Wiz

It's never too early (or late) to start saving for your child's education. Download College Saving Wiz for handy cost-estimating calculators, savings goals, and even tips for how to stash away extra cash. This app was designed by emeritus professor of finance Lawrence J. Gitman at San Diego State University. And if you'd like to help your kids develop good money habits, also check out Saving Wiz Jr.

6. Evernote

While you're out and about at dance lessons or soccer games, you just might need to do some last-minute research for tomorrow's big meeting. That's where Evernote comes in. You can gather information from anywhere and record your thoughts on essentially anything — work projects, shopping lists, home improvement projects — it's up to you. This app syncs across your different devices and lets you put everything into streamlined notebooks with tags and note links for added organization.

What apps and tools do you use to be a better dad?

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