6 Reasons Introverts Make the Best Employees


Despite what many believe, introverts are not shy, weird nerds. Introverted people can be found across a range of professions, making ample contributions in nearly every field of human endeavor. And introverts also possess certain traits that can make them valuable additions to any workplace.

It's impossible to make broad generalizations about all introverted people. But some studies indicate there are some general traits they often share in the workplace. Here are six reasons to consider adding a few introverts to your team ASAP.

1. Introverts Only Deliver Information They Consider to Be of Value

Many people are uncomfortable with silence, and choose to fill the space with whatever thought comes to mind. Introverts see this as a waste of everyone's time, especially their own. When they speak up, people should listen, because they only communicate information they deem important and useful.

2. Introverts Are Sincere

They see no need for fake social pleasantries, since they perceive them as a waste of time. This can come across as rude to some, but it's mainly because introverts respect — and expect — honesty from everyone. So if you want the truth, no matter how harsh, seek an introvert.

3. Introverts Are Unique Individuals

Were Audrey Hepburn or Albert Einstein nerds? These terms seem absolutely bonkers when tied to the names of such wildly successful and historical figures, but both were introverts. They didn't follow trends, and they pursued their passions very intensely. That's a classic recipe for success.

4. Introverts Do Not Play Office Politics

Because they put such a premium on honesty and sincerity, mind games like office politics are lost on introverts. Instead, introverts prefer to rely on a solid work product to get ahead. That's a plus when you value transparency and efficiency in the workplace.

5. Introverts Are Dependable

There's a famous misconception that introverts hate everyone, but that's simply not the case. They slowly build their inner circle into a few select members with whom they deeply trust. To those few, they are extremely loyal. So if you have an introvert on your team and they're happy where they are, they will work as hard as they can to contribute to the company's success.

6. Introverts Are Independent

When you hire an introvert, no hand-holding is needed. They much prefer to learn their tasks and then get to work on their own, creating structure and routines. They prefer quiet time for concentration and to let their thoughts and intellect guide them. If you're looking for a self-starter to join your team, look no further than an introvert.

Not sure whether you're an introvert or extrovert? Take this quiz at Scientific American.

Have you hired an introvert? Or are you an introvert who has excelled in the workplace because of it?

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Guest's picture

This is me all the way.

I just wished that bosses wouldn't try to make us into social butterflies. That will never happen.

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John Wake

Great piece! Next up, do a piece on why introverts make the best bosses. I got a link somewhere that says extroverts are better at supervising low-motivated people but introverts are better at getting the most out of high-motivated teams.

Guest's picture
Greg Davis

How do you get information to do database at home or phone calling. I have disability and this would be perfect for me. Thanks for the info

Greg Davis

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This is me to a "T". Following policies and expecting authority figures to do the same, at O'Reilly Auto Parts has been emotionally, mentally, and very stressful. I thoroughly enjoyed my job, until Brandi Jordan was hired. Medications helps with the bullying, but I don't understand why policies and rules aren't the same for all employees.

Her friend at work has disappeared, waiting for her, (maybe), involvement to come to light. Since she was a fired from another local auto parts store here in town, I wonder if it had something to do with lying and stealing?....

Hoping for the light to shine!

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Mary V