6 Reasons It's Never Too Late for a Career Change


Life's too short to spend your workday being unhappy. If you're dreading going into the office, it's time to grab your career by the horns and switch things up. It's never too late — and here's why. (See also: 8 Signs You Should Quit Your Job)

1. You shouldn't wake up every morning dreading the workday

I've been my own boss for the past nine years, ditching the nine-to-five grind shortly after moving to Manhattan in 2008. I didn't like working a thankless job every day while I made somebody else better off than myself. I chose a harder road — it's not easy paying your bills on time when you're responsible for your own income — but it's provided me a freedom that has facilitated an overall happiness in my life.

2. Your skills may be transferable (or you can learn new ones)

Many people are afraid they're not qualified for a career change, but unless you have a very specific job with specific qualifications, chances are your skills are transferable. But even if what you want to do requires a particular skill that you're lacking, you still may be able to find educational resources to help you learn. (See also: How to Make a Major Career Switch Without Going Back to School)

3. You're never too old to start something new

I might sound like one of those motivational posters here, but you're only limited to what you limit yourself to. Perhaps you're hesitant to apply for a certain job because you think you're too old. But it's important to ask yourself first — too old for what, for whom?

You'll never know what the outcome of a situation will be unless you throw yourself into it. You have to apply to a job to know whether or not you're qualified. Every individual brings his or her unique perspective — and yours may be the one the company is looking for. Either way, it's worth a shot, and certainly better than sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself.

4. It doesn't matter how many years you've invested in your current company

I hate to break this to you, but, in all likelihood, your company will drop you like a bad habit when it no longer has any use for you. As such, you shouldn't feel obligated to stay with an organization just because you've been there forever and they've been good to you. That's great, and you should probably thank them for it, but that doesn't mean you owe them a lifetime of service (especially if you don't have a pension). If you feel like it's time to move on, it's time to move on. Eat the farewell cake, say your goodbyes, and press ahead.

5. You can probably accommodate a change of income

Most of us are looking for upward financial mobility when changing careers, but it's not the end of the world if the job that will make you happy pays a bit less. I'm not encouraging you to send yourself or your family into debt because of it, but if you have the option to downsize your life and reduce your monthly budget to accommodate your new, lower-paying career, by all means do it. Money isn't everything. If you can live just fine with less of it and still wake up with a smile on your face, you're doing something right.

6. Many companies also want to switch things up

The traditional workplace is undergoing massive changes to accommodate modern appetites for flexible hours, less commuting, working from home, and so on. Top candidates take roles at one company for a few years before being offered something more interesting and moving on. Companies no longer expect lifelong service in the way they used to, and these changing attitudes have paved the way for businesses in general to be more flexible in the way they attract talent.

All of this means that now, more than ever, it's easier to take the plunge and try a new career.

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