8 Cheap Ways to Save Money on Gas

As we rightly anticipated, gasoline is one of (at least) 11 things that will be more expensive in 2012. Prices have been steadily climbing, and some experts are predicting that by May, the national price per gallon could be as high as $3.96. The LA Times even claims that there's a "2% chance that the average U.S. gasoline price will hit $5 a gallon for all of June."

As a consumer, you may not be able to control the escalating prices — but you're certainly not powerless. As a society, we can use less gasoline without disrupting much of our daily routine. There's nothing wrong with using every means at our disposal to find the cheapest gas, or to conserve it. Here's a list of strategies, products, and miscellanea to help push the price at the pump back a bit while, of course, keeping your wallet and tank full.

1. Avoid Traffic Jams

This is obviously easier said than done; no one likes sitting in traffic, so mostly everyone already tries to avoid it. But if you aren't turning to smartphone apps, a GPS, or even the radio for assistance, you're missing out on information that could help you avoid parking lots on the road. Before setting out on a drive, check traffic; smartphone apps, including the built-in Google Maps for Android and Maps for iOS, feature an option to view roads with the heaviest traffic, which you should take into account before setting out. Many GPS units — like the Editors' Choice Magellan RoadMate 2136T-LM 4.3" Portable GPS Navigation System — also include a traffic mode.

2. Find the Lowest Rates at Gas Stations

GasBuddy is one of the most popular gas price checking tools, and it has been for many years now; it ranks among the granddaddies when it comes to finding low, low gas prices. It functions as an easy way to compare the cheapest prices on gasoline, as the site updates prices at the pump every 24 hours all over the country. There's also a free GasBuddy app for iPhone and Android. What's more, GasBuddy is not only free to use (just sign up and create an account), but once you do, you can enter to win $250 in free gas (which is as good as liquid gold these days!).

GasPriceWatch is similar to GasBuddy, and has been around just as long. With GasPriceWatch, you may find a rock-bottom price that was missed by GasBuddy (and vice versa). GPW also features a cool widget that shows gas prices throughout the U.S.

3. Inflate Your Tires

Countless studies have shown that cars with properly inflated and balanced tires get better gas mileage — around 3.3% more miles to the gallon. To fill your tires up, scope out gas stations that still offer free air, though they're rare; otherwise, filling up your tires with air might cost you about 50 cents.

4. Drive Slower

It may seem like a contradiction: Driving slower means you'll take longer to reach your destination — how could that lower your fuel costs? Well, your car uses gas more efficiently at slower speeds. Take, for example, Garmin's GPS tool ecoRoute, which helps you plot your trips to use less fuel, mainly by avoiding those fast freeways and highways. Moreover, some tests have shown that even slight changes in driving habits — how you start and stop at lights, for example — can cut fuel consumption considerably.

5. Check Your Fluids

Ensuring your car has enough coolant and oil is critical to their running efficiently. Older cars especially run better on 5W-30 motor oil. The right oil grade will get you another 1% to 2% per mile — see how all this is adding up? However, it's important to note, though that the next time Mr. Quickie Oil Change Man (it reads "Bob" on his jumpsuit) tells you to replace your air filter, it won't do much to extend your miles per gallon — though it will help your engine run better!

6. Buy Gas Outside the City Limits

In large urban areas, like Chicago, gasoline is heavily taxed and thus more expensive. Odd as it may seem, you can drive to gas stations just outside a city's limits and find gasoline that's much cheaper. Beyond that, keep your eyes peeled for especially busy stations, a sure sign that prices there are very low. But, of course, don't drive too far out of your way to get the cheap stuff, as a long trip may negate any savings you realize.

7. Buy Low-Octane Gasoline

If you're among the consumers who buy high-octane gas because you think it offers better gas mileage, we're sorry to say that it's a waste of money. Props to the folks at Bankrate.com for pointing this out, along with other gas-saving tips. Bottom line: Unless your car specifically requires premium, skip it and fill up with low-octane fuel.

8. Just. Don't. Drive. (Duh.)

True, it's hard to get around without a car in the 'burbs (or in L.A. for that matter), but now's the time to ask yourself the tough questions: Is it time to get rid of my fuel-hogging SUV? Should I hop on my bike instead and take a step towards eliminating a spare tire of a different sort? Can I walk to the pharmacy? Isn't it time I learned the public transit routes in my town? Consider this: Every time you take the train or bus instead of driving, you have the ability to handle all sorts of business via your smartphone, perhaps even crossing errands off your to-do list. You can't do that behind the wheel, so you may end up saving time in addition to fuel.

If the notion of ditching your wheels is completely unfathomable, consider ways to improve your car's function. Try carpooling. Estimate your savings if you traded in an old automobile for a newer, more fuel-efficient (or hybrid) model. And above all, plot your routes with greater consciousness. These small changes can mean big savings at the pump.

This is a guest post by Dealnews.

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8 Cheap Ways to Save Money on Gas

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Guest's picture

in regards to #2 up there, have you ever done the math? Finding the lowest gas price *within your standard route(s)* is definitely worthwhile, but as randall munroe points out in XKCD #951, it's not worthwhile to drive even five minutes out of your way to save 10¢ per gallon: you spend more on gas getting there than you save!

Guest's picture

You're right that there are so many ways to save money at gas if we just make the effort. Personally I've been trying to walk a lot more to avoid using gas on short trips. When I go downtown I take public transportation because I know the parking costs will add even more to what I would spend on gas. Combining errands into 1 trip also works well since you can take care of a few things without making separate trips.

Guest's picture
Carl Lassegue

I've been using GasBuddy for about a year now and I LOVE it! I know which gas stations are usually cheaper close to my house but it's a great tool when I'm on the road in unfamiliar areas.

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#9: Declutter the car. No junk in the trunk. If you have a van or SUV, take out the back seats unless you need them for passengers. Take the cross-bars off the roof rack unless you are using them. That helps reduce wind resistance. All weight you can remove from your vehicle will improve mileage.

Guest's picture
Reba DAy

May? $3.96, it was $3.88 here in NC and March isn't even over, guess the #8 is my option, just don't drive, I live 5 miles from town and I'm 72 years old with a messed up arm and bad back, Guess I can cut out Dr. Visits, save Medicare money, my medigap policy that costs a couple hundred will be happy also..They've already said, most on SS can't afford to live in NC even with the COLA raise...Good job Obama...

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RE: 7

Premium gas without ethanol gets better mileage than regular with 10% ethanol. The difference more than makes up for the higher cost.

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Richard Lam

Go electric :).

I've driven my Chevrolet Volt for 2300 miles using only 0.9 gallons of gas, and paid only $20 for electricity by using free public/work charging. I got a 3 year lease for $340 month fully loaded and saving over $240/month of gas. That means I'm paying roughly only $100/month for a $46,000 car and insurance cost as much as my old Civic.


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Seriously consider buying a new car, if your present gas-guzzler is giving you grief at the pump. Rates are low and resale value for used cars are high right now. Downsize or get more efficient with a hybrid or diesel.

Guest's picture

Awesome tips, especially the one about avoiding traffic jams, taking a less traveled road will sometimes render much better gas mileage (as long as it isn't too far out of the way). Also, when driving on the highway (non-stop and go) at speeds at or above 55mph roll your windows up and use the AC. It has been proven time and time again that when your windows are down at these speeds, the air will add resistance to your driving which will make your car use more gas to go at your desired speed. When in stop and go traffic or at speeds below 55mph, turn off the AC and roll down your windows. Your AC is powered by a belt on your engine which means it takes more power to run than when it is turned off. More power means more gas… enough said. I have a few extra tips from my blog as well at http://financeyoga.com/save-on-vehicle-expenses/ .

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