8 Fun Ways to Make Money


None of these will make you independently wealthy or even allow you to quit your day job (unless you get a serious dose of luck along with your ingenuity), but they just might let you get enough cash to fund something special.

1. Do something (apparently anything!) with your bike. I never would have thought of most of these, but some of them sound plausible (and fun).

2. Turn your car into a moving advertisement. The guys at WikiHow tell you what to do.

3. Teach a class on something you're good at. Most areas have a community center or a YMCA that will allow you to put your class in their monthly or quarterly brochure. (See also: Teach Your Way Around the World)

4. Sell custom t-shirts (and hats and mugs and more!) from an online store.

5. Help people plan their weddings. You don't have to be a professional or take on the whole job yourself. Just make yourself available to do research or make inquiries, charge less than a full-on wedding planner, and voila, you've created not only a job, but a new industry.

6. Turn old clothes into new ones, and sell them on eBay.

7. Market yourself as a shopping/personal assistant. Start out donating your skills to the elderly and shut-in. When they tell their friends and families how great you are, they just might have a job for you, too.

8. Start your own "rent my inflatable jumper for you kid's birthday party" business. It takes a little capital, but should pay off fairly quickly (quicker in some parts of the country, like L.A., than in others). Better yet, buy a themed jumper and offer to put on the whole party for more cash.

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Guest's picture

I count 8...

Sarah Winfrey's picture

Text editor didn't save my title changes (there were 10, but I didn't like 2 of them...they weren't enough fun). 

Sarah Winfrey's picture

That better?

Will Chen's picture

That sounds very cool.  My dream is to start a traveling petting zoo for parties.  Maybe we can team up.  =)

Andrea Karim's picture

My sister was planning on renting one of the floating jumper-thingies for her bachelorette party, which was held at a lakeside cabin. The cost for one hour of rental? $400. She passed on it.

Will, if you decide to include alpaca in your traveling zoo, I'm totally in.

Guest's picture

Would elderly, shut-ins, lazy people with cash really pay someone to shop for them?!? I guess it would depend on how much people would pay for the service (to cover gas, time, wear-and-tear on your car and not to mention the items) ... otherwise this could be a sinker of an idea.

Will Chen's picture

I can't decide if that's the sign of a very wholesome or a very kinky party.

Yes, I too hear the call of the alpaca.  Those commercials are very enticing.

Andrea Karim's picture

My sis is very wholesome, thank you.

I have no idea what commercials you speak of. But every time I see an alpaca, I imagine how fun it would be to have one. My father, at one point, decided that he wanted to raise alpaca, and tried to convince my mother that they were only the size of jack rabbits. Fortunately, we introduced Mom to Google, so she was able to obtain accurate information and not have 150 head of alpaca roaming around her garden.

Guest's picture

At the end of January I decided to get crafty and started selling handpainted magnets on etsy.com, which only sells handmade things. I'm nearing in on a thousand dollars...selling handpainted magnets! Goes right to the debt!

Something to consider for you crafty types. It's free and easy.

Guest's picture

Cool info, thanks for posting it.

Guest's picture

To make extra money, I make cross necklaces to sell, write articles, affiliate marketing and I have a website. When your creative you can find ways to make that extra money.



Guest's picture

How about saving enough money to qualify as a "part time job?" If you are saving $100 a week by shopping sales and cutting back expenses, by the time you factor in taxes, etc. that's the same as earning around $130/week, about the same as a part time job!

Guest's picture

Wow. These are really useful. I haven't seen these ideas in other blogs. My site, Creative Wealth, is looking for posts like these to link to. Nice one. Your ideas are fresh and useful.

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Do you want earn more money

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Guest's picture

That was a great article. I totally agree about freelance sites. They're great for people that live outside the U.S. looking to work at home. But for U.S. based employees it's better to focus on some of the resources you provided.

But with that said, there are many more resources than Wahm that provide you a wealth of free work at home information, leads, videos on how to avoid scams.

I would encourage you to visit:

In terms of avoiding scams you should visit the following pages:

Just thought you may want to know about all the other resources available. Wahm is great but it's definitely not the only free and comprehensive work at home resource out there.

I hope this helps.

Guest's picture

I’m sure you like the sound of that, right? A quick to set up and launch, long term cash producing business, that runs on COMPLETE autopilot.
join this

Guest's picture

One way that really helps me make some extra money is this site, http://makemoney9.tk

All you have to do it take surveys and you get paid for it, which is really easy to get the hang of. This is an easy way to get some extra money easily.

Guest's picture

Another fun way would be to go to Share-A-Pic You can upload unlimited images and galleries, then share them on any social network, blog or website to earn cash or gift certificates to top online retailers. They give $0.22 to you for every 1000 view of a picture. Its not a immediate payout but I think of it like an unseen savings that makes a good payout it the long run.

Guest's picture

Dress like a clown.

Guest's picture

Renting an inflatable jumper would take some serious liability insurance, plus why would parents rent from some guy instead of a reputable company?

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