Best Christmas Tips from Wise Bread [Infographic]

From making your own cards to making gifts for foodies, kids and pets, Wise Bread offers dozens of tips for saving money this holiday season.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Travel?

Tell us how you save on holiday travel and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

11 Ways to Have Fun at Your In-Laws

Visiting in-laws can be emotionally and physically draining. Learn ways to enjoy yourself and your family despite holiday and travel stress.

How Traditional Banking Practices Can Make You Poor

Traditional banking practices benefit the banks, not the customer. Discover how, if you're not careful, banks can hurt your finances.

Lessons in Frugality From "The Walking Dead"

From budgeting to moderation, AMC's hit series "The Walking Dead" can teach us about frugality (while it also teaches us to never enter a cellar alone).

Best Money Tips: New Baby Checklist

Today we found some great articles on what you'll need for a new baby, things that are worth the money, and how to cure your shopping addiction.

Shoppers to Spend Less This Holiday Season

Despite some early predictions, it looks like holiday shoppers are not spending as much this year. Learn some of the reasons why.

Reusable Gift Wrapping: The Wrap That Keeps on Giving

Why pay for something that will only be used once and then becomes garbage? Try one of these awesome, reusable wrapping methods instead.

From Beanie Babies to Baubles: 5 Unconventional Investments

If you're savvy, your unconventional investment can produce an outsize return. But be wary — these also come with a lot of risks.

Sallie Mae Giveaway: Win $25k For Your Student Loans

A quick Facebook like may win you $25,000.

The "Secret" Credit Card Perk That Saved Me $300

What to do when a purchase breaks after the warranty is over? Read your credit card fine print — you might be able to get a full, no-string-attached refund.

Ways to Make Money Over the Holiday Break

You can make extra income over the holiday break by working a few odd but well-paying jobs — and you'll still have time to celebrate.

Best Money Tips: 216 Affordable Gifts for Everyone on Your List

Today we found some awesome articles on 216 gifts for everyone on your list, frugal lunch ideas, and reasons to list or buy a home in December.

How to Get the Most Help From Your College After Graduation

Find the best ways to access free career and financial services from your college.

New Breadwinner in the Household: How Does This Affect Life Insurance?

When your family's income changes, it's important to reexamine your life insurance coverage. Here's what you need to know.

9 Tips to Save Money on Holiday Shopping

Save more this holiday season with price drop alerts, discount gift cards, and gift swap websites.

8 "Life Hacks" You Shouldn't Bother With

Life hacks are clever little tricks that promise to save you time or money. But these "hacks," while clever, could make things worse.

Best Money Tips: Teaching Kids About Saving Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on teaching kids about saving money, the best job hunting tips of the year, and things you must know about the Roth IRA for 2013.

30 Easy Holiday Crafts for Kids

While you're busy preparing the food or cleaning the house for the in-laws, take advantage of these 30 crafty ways to distract the wee ones!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/13, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win one of ten $50 Gift Cards!

Topic: Holiday Shopping. Join our conversation for chance to win one of ten $50 gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

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