20 Gifts for the Guy Who Has Everything

What do you get for the guy who seems to have everything (or, at least, wants almost nothing)? Check out this list of practical and experience-based gifts.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 12/19

Today's deals include 50%-70% off FILA, 66% off 52-Piece Oscillating Multi-Tool Kit, $3.99 or less Kindle book deals, and more!

7 Personal Finance Lessons From Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen's music speaks to the trials and tribulations of common folk — often including some hard lessons about money.

23 Easy and Scrumptious Microwaveable Desserts

Your microwave can do a lot more than thaw a frozen cheesecake. Learn how to create 20+ delicious desserts from scratch — and fast.

Best Money Tips: Restaurants and Retailers Offering Free Gift Cards for Givers

Today we found some awesome articles on restaurants and retailers offering free gift cards for givers, the best life hacks of 2013, and teaching children frugality.

4 Lies You Shouldn't Tell Your Interviewer

You might be tempted to fudge the truth a little when you're interviewing for a job — but these little lies could get you in big trouble.

The 5 Best Wine Openers

If you want to round out that gift of wine, pair it with one of these excellent, easy-to-use wine openers.

Gift Ideas for Practical People

What do you buy for people who hate to spend? These gift ideas will thrill the cheapskate on your list by saving them money.

31 Great Gifts that Keep on Giving

Don't give something that'll end up in the junk drawer. Instead, try one of these creative gifts that will be appreciated for months (or even years!) to come.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/19, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Frugal New Year's Eve Celebrations! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

8 Fees You Need to Stop Paying Right Now

Save hundreds of dollars a year by dropping these useless fees from your life.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Wednesday 12/18

Today's deals include 50% off Nickelodeon toys and movies, buy 2 movies and get one free, and more!

6 Secrets to a Joyful Life

In 1939 a group of 200 Harvard undergrads became part of a longterm sociological study. The results, published recently, reveal surprising secrets about joy and wellbeing.

Best Money Tips: Negotiating the Raise You Deserve

Today we found some stellar articles on negotiating the raise you deserve, manly Christmas gift ideas for under $30, and surviving the holidays with your job intact.

10 Fun Ways to Wrap the Gift of Cash

Almost everybody enjoys the gift of cash, but a thin envelope isn't much fun to unwrap. Make your next cash gift thoughtful (and fun!) with these clever cash packing ideas.

The 5 Best Food Choppers

When a full-sized processor seems like overkill, you can count on a food chopper to get the job done. These picks balance price and function for a cutting-edge kitchen tool.

25 Awesome, Useful Gifts

Eliminate the phrase "it's the thought that counts" by giving one of these awesome, useful gifts.

The Definitive Guide to Pay As You Earn — A Federal Student Loan Repayment Plan

For many, this plan offers the lowest monthly payments and even forgives your student loan after 20 years.

Ask the Readers: Do You Regift?

Tell us whether you regift and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Tuesday 12/17

Today's deals include 50% Off Infant and Preschool Toys, 70% Off New Balance Fitness Clothing, 20 Kindle Books for $2 each, and more!