Are You Getting All the Credit Card Rewards You've Earned?

Credit card rewards programs look attractive, but there are several hidden costs, beginning with the cost of not redeeming those rewards.

Are You a Doormat? 17 Things Assertive People Never Say

There's nothing wrong with being easy-going, but if too many of these phrases are familiar, you may be selling yourself short. Start stepping up!

These 10 Words and Phrases Are Keeping You From Getting a Raise

What you say and how you say it really matters to your career. Cut these troublesome words and phrases and bask in the accolades that follow.

How to Effectively Complain to Get What You Want

Effective complaints make everybody happy — including you. Learn the right way to complain and get what you want.

Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Save on Clothing

Today we found some amazing articles on smart ways to save on clothing, getting your dream job, and tips for successful investing.

10 Insane, Life-Affirming, and Cheap Things You Must Do Before You Die

You don't have to be rich to live a life of adventure. Get out there and start living!

The Easy Way to Negotiate a Cheaper Hotel Room

Most hotels and inns are willing to negotiate their rates. All you have to do is be willing to ask.

8 Things Real Estate Agents Don't Want You to Know

Your real estate agent represents your interests, right? Not always. Learn the secrets your agent might be hiding from you.

The 10 Things You Need to Do If You Want to Quit Your Job

Americans today change jobs about every five years, and the right way to jump ship is an important career skill. Here's how to make your next move.

The 5 Best Door Locks

Don't leave your home vulnerable to intruders. Add any of these five heavy-duty door locks to your home to ensure its safety and security.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/14, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $100 in Prizes!

Don't miss our #Plutus14 #WBChat on 8/14 at 12pm PST! We will be talking about personal finance blogs and giving away $100 in prizes!

Best Money Tips: The Best Time to Buy a Car

Today we found some great articles on the best time to buy a car, online jobs for college students, and Warren Buffet's tips for investing.

The 11 Best and Worst Things to Buy Used

Books? Yep! Houses? Absolutely! Swimwear? Ack, no! Those and other thrift store buys sorted into best and worst.

25 Fun, Frugal Things to Do Tonight Besides Watch TV

Get up offa that couch, switch off the TV, and spend some quality time tonight with your family or your finances or your favorite loyal friend.

Earn Extra Income With These 15 Creative Side Gigs

Everyone could use a few extra bucks — so why not make that side gig fun? And if you're lucky, it might turn into something that really pays.

The 10 Dirtiest, Germiest, Grossest Things You Live With Everyday

Ten reasons you may never touch anything ever again.

The 5 Best Fabric Softeners

Do you like your clothes feeling extra soft? Then add any one of these five superb fabric softeners to your next laundry run.

The 5 Worst Work From Home Jobs

Working from home to earn extra income is a great way to shore up the family budget. Just don't take any of these dubious "opportunities."

Best Money Tips: Saving Money on Back to School Shopping

Today we found some stellar articles on tips for saving on back to school shopping, scoring a bigger raise, and the secret to happiness.

The 10 Most Creative Ways to Avoid Airline Fees (Like Wearable Suitcases)

How far is too far to go when it comes to avoiding airline fees?