Ask the Readers: Do You Know Your Credit Score?

Editor's Note: Congratulations to Sarah, Elizabeth S., and Jen for winning this week's contest!

Whether you realize it or not, your credit score plays a huge part of your life. From getting approved to rent an apartment to getting a loan, a good credit score can make your life much easier. However, many people have no clue what their credit score is.

Do you know your credit score? When was the last time you checked your score? How frequently do you check your score?

Tell us whether or not you know your credit score and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

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Giveaway Rules:

  • Contest ends Monday, October 10th at 11:59 pm Pacific. Winners will be announced after October 10th on the original post. Winners will also be contacted via email.
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I have never checked my credit score, so I don't know it.

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Yes, I do.

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I just received my credit score after applying to refinance my mortgage.

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Yes. I know my credit score. I check it at least yearly through one of the three agencies that report credit scores and I check every month or so at Credit Karma so I can see if there have been any large changes, which would then prompt to check my full credit report/score.

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Mine is 766 as of today (we are refinancing our mortgage)

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Yep, within 50 points or so...we have one of the highest scores our bank had ever seen, so that is a blessing! We've worked really hard to faithfully pay off all of our debts, and right now we have our home and about $750 on a car loan and that's all. So nice! A good credit score is one less worry to consider when arranging a loan for anything. It is hard work, and involves sacrifice, but it is worth it!

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Lani C

I check my credit report 3 times a year using the free credit report website, but I don't pay for my credit score. I'm not planning on buying anything on credit any time soon so I'm not really concerned about the actual number.

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Carson M.

I think it's very important to know your credit score, which is why I check mine once or twice per year: once around the new year, once sometime in the mid-summer. This helps me to keep decent track of what aspects of my life have positively or negatively affected my score. Lately it's been pretty consistent and I haven't had any delinquencies or inquiries that would affect the score so I might decrease my frequency to once per year.

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I was able to obtain my FICO score when I applied for an American Express card. Amex sent me some documentation about the card, which also included my score. I don't regularly check my score because of the cost, but I do review my free reports every four months.

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Wilma P

Yes, I check my credit score every year so I can keep on top of it.

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I recently had to get a credit report when my credit card number was stolen. I usually check it once a year or so.

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Yes, I know mine - I have CreditSecure and can check every month if I want to. I've had this for years, keeping me informed about changes and potential problems.

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I don't pay for my actual credit score, but I do use monthly for a free glimpse of what my credit score probably is and a report of inquiries, accounts, etc.

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Yes, I do know my credit score. It's in the high 700s! I think credit score is a very important thing to know.

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Yes, I def. know my credit score I always make it a point to check it yearly for any mistakes so far, so good! :)

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I don't know my credit score, but I've definitely gotten my free credit reports, and that all looks good and correct.

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Jess G.

I do know my credit score! I check it about once a year.

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Jess G.

I like Wise Bread on Facebook.

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I know my score through Sears Credit Score which is free to all sears card holders (only reason I really keep the card). I use it as an estimate of what my score is and it lets me check to see if there have been any big changes, which would then alert me.

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I haven't ever checked, so no I don't know it.

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I haven't checked it in about a year. But I haven't done anything that would harm it either, except maybe applying for credit cards, and it was strong last time I checked it, so haven't seen a reason to lately.

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I like your Facebook page already.

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I just tweeted an answer here --!/starkeee/status/121247991557398529

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Shannon Flowerday

I know mine. I used Credit Karma, which I really liked since they don't charge you or ask for your CC info like

Money Beagle's picture

We are re-financing our mortgage and just got our scores (both over 800!) as a result of the bank checking our credit.

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Approximately, yes. The last time it was officially checked was when I bought a house a couple of years ago and, since then, there shouldn't have been much change. I was very pleased with the number since it was a bit better than I thought it would be!

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I check my credit score fairly regularly through CreditKarma and Quizzle.

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I went to the government website and checked it earlier this year.

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Susan D.

Yes, I know my credit score. When I moved my accounts to a local credit union from a major bank, I found out from the C.U. what my credit score was.

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Yes and I also look at the report three times a year.

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My husband and I checked our scores recently because we're applying for a mortgage. But usually I don't check it since I have to pay for that. I just use the annual credit report website to check my report for free without getting my score.

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Yep. I actually got it a couple of weeks ago from the bank. Prior to that, it had been at least 18 months since I had checked Quizzle for my estimated score.

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I keep up to date on CreditKarma about three times a month (different loans have different update days). Its probably a bit over the top... but their tracking software makes it easy to see how things are changing (and what may have the most impact).

Yeah, its not FICO - but I do get my three annual credit reports as well to check for major issues. With those two things I think I'm pretty on top of where my credit score is at any point in time. I was able to say with confidence what I thought my score was when applying for an auto loan, and even got (pleasantly) surprised by their numbers!

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Last time I tried to check it (after finding a reputable credit score website) I didn't have any credit at all...which was somewhat depressing. :D

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Yes, yes I do. :) I signed up with and, just to see what all the buzz was about.

On top of that, we just bought a house, so we were given our credit scores by the lender.

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Kristy OT

I have no idea. I do pull my credit report for free every year, but I've never been in a situation where I needed to know the actual number.

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Ernest S.

I check my "unofficial" score weekly. I use Credit Karma which I've found to be somewhat accurate. If anything, it tells me whether my score is trending upwards or downwards.

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Ernest S.

"Liked" on Facebook!

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yes I know it and check it every month.

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Yup! I check every year!

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I saw my credit score about a year ago when I refinanced on my mortgage so I figure that I know the general ballpark figure for my current score.

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Sasha W

I checked my credit score the other day for free on and was surprised at how high it was.

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Sasha W

Liked the FB page :)

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I do, because I just bought a car....

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I do, thanks to (free)

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I like Wise Bread on Facebook!

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I know I have good credit, but have never been given a number or "score." I receive the 3 free reports, but no score.

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I like you and your post on Facebook.

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Responded on Twitter.!/1bets1/status/121335984083308544

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No, too depressing.

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Yes, I do!

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I do not know it. I ran it in January when I refinanced. My guess us that it's still in the high 700s. I will be running my free credit reports soon at

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Here is my tweeted response:!/bechego/status/121336699417673728

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Elizabeth S.

I Like (love) your facebook page!

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Elizabeth S.

I absolutely know my credit score. We choose to have a quarterly update.

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I haven't checked my credit score in a long time so I have no idea what it is.

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Yes, I know my credit score and am in the process of cleaning it up!

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Angela Pearson

No I do not know mine. I have a feeling... it's not pretty. :(

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I just checked it last week, as a matter of fact. Exactly as bad as I thought it was >.<

Already "Liked" Wise Bread on Facebook

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Yes I do. I check it every 6 months.

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Tanya Whitner

I check my credit score every quarter using one of the free reports from the credit agencies. I just rotate the agency each quarter so not to experience a charge for the service.

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I don't know my credit score... but I do check my credit reports from one of the three agencies every 4 months or so.

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Dee Dee

Yes, I do. Found out about 4 months ago.

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I do know my credit score and check it about once a year. Thanks!

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I thought I knew it, but the bank came up with a different number

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Yes, I know my credit score.

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I know mine!

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not sure of the exact score but i know the range. i try to check it once a year but it's probably more like every 2 years.

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i like wisebread on facebook

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Yes, checked last week!

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No clue.

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I like you on facebook.

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I just checked my credit score last week to see where it was at, and it's still good to go. However, before that the last time it was pulled was when we purchased our home five years ago.

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Selene Montgomery

Yes, I know our score, but it's been about a year since I checked.

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Selene Montgomery

I Like you on Facebook as Selene Montgomery

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Yes, I do know my credit score.

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I don't, but I'd like to assume it's decent since I pay everything off each month and only have a couple cards!

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I also like you on Facebook.

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Jennifer Dantuma

Not currently. I know it has been excellent but I haven't checked it for awhile.

Ben Edwards's picture

When we refinanced recently we got copies of our credit scores from all three bureaus but I already knew our Experian score because I follow it on Credit Sesame.

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Rebecca B. A. R.

I checked mine in the last 6 months, and remember the round-about number, but not the exact number. It was actually a lot better than what I thought it would be with all the bad things that have happened to us during this recession.

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I know what it was last year this time, and i would say its probably pretty close to what it was then

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I checked it a while ago.

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Sylvia Rajsk

I actually do not know it and need to check!

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Raj J

Checked 5 days ago, and it is a annual tradition for me and my wife.

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Nope. I knew it about 1.5 years ago when we bought a house but haven't had it checked since. I'm kicking the debt habit so I couldn't care less.

I do try to check my credit report annually for errors. You can get your free credit report at, the FTC-authorized site for this. NOTE: You don't have to pay for this service!!

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YES! I do, and check it monthly as well as scan my credit reports for any changes. Been fighting a long uphill battle with the Reporting agencies to get my accounts cleaned up from mistakes THEY made in attaching derogatories that did not belong to me!

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Yes,I definitely know my credit score. I like to check it periodically to see if / how much I've improved.

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I know it!

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Keri Ritenour

Yes, I know my credit score (and my husband's). It's checked annually. Surprisingly, we found some inaccurate information that we are working on having corrected. I recommend that everyone check theirs annually. We also found that my husband's ex-wife procured credit cards and loans in my husband's name after their separation and divorce. These days, it is too easy for someone to use your information to obtain $$$. Credit Karma is a great resource to check and optimize your credit score.

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Keri Ritenour

I liked and commented on your FB post.

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Keri Ritenour

I tweeted my comment. Check it out at via @KeriRitenour

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I checked my score 2 weeks ago because I recently applied for a new credit card and they sent my credit score along with the credit card. This was actually the first time I have ever seen my credit score, granted I'm 22, and was surprised at the number (in a good way!). I know checking your credit score can lower the number so I'll restrict myself to checking it maybe once every 2 years if I really need to.

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Yes I check my scores every year.

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I do not know my score. I print my free credit report from the 3 reporting agencies each year (one per quarter) so I can stay alert to any changes or potential problems. But I have never wanted to pay the $7 fee to get my score. I guess I'm a cheapskate. :-)

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I haven't checked it in the past year, but last time I did it was good. Yay!

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