Editor's Note: Congratulations to Courtney, Martha, and Jeannie for winning this week's contest!
One way to save major bucks on everyday shopping is by using coupons. While clipping coupons may not be everyone's idea of a good time, it makes sense to do a quick search for coupons when you're looking for a specific product or shopping at stores that offer coupons.
Do you use coupons? Where do you go to look for coupons? What was the best deal you've ever gotten from a coupon? If you don't use coupons, why not?
Tell us whether you use coupons and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!
We're doing three giveaways — here's how you can win:
Use our Rafflecopter widget for your chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards:
Good Luck!
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