Ask the Readers: Do You Use eBay?

Editor's Note: Congratulations to lady, Francesca, and Therese for winning this week's contest!

Everyone has heard of eBay and most people have either participated in eBay's online auctions by either bidding or posting an item for auction. Some people can get caught up in the excitement of a last minute bidding war and reap substantial savings on things they want to purchase while other's find eBay to be a great way to sell their unwanted items. However, other people steer clear of eBay for one reason or another.

Do you use eBay? If so, do you use it to sell items or buy items? If you bought items, were you able to get a good deal? If you don't use eBay, what keeps you from using it?

Tell us if you use eBay and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Win 1 of 3 $20 Amazon Gift Cards

We're doing three giveaways — one for random comments, one for random Facebook "Likes", and another one for random tweets.

Mandatory Entry: 

  • Post your answer in the comments below 

For extra entries (1 per action):

  • Go to our Facebook page, "Like" us, and leave a comment on this article telling us you did, or
  • Tweet your answer. You have to be a follower of our @wisebread account. Include both "@wisebread" and "#WBAsk" in your tweet so we'll see it and count it. Leave a link to your tweet (click the timestamp for the individual URL) in a separate comment.

If you're inspired to write a whole blog post OR you have a photo on flickr to share, please link to it in the comments or tweet it.

Giveaway Rules:

  • Contest ends Monday, July 9th at 11:59 pm Pacific. Winners will be announced after July 9th on the original post. Winners will also be contacted via email.
  • You can enter all three drawings — once by leaving a comment, once by liking our Facebook update, and once by tweeting.
  • This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered, or associated with Facebook.
  • You must be 18 and US resident to enter. Void where prohibited.

Good Luck!

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Guest's picture

I buy the best item I can afford, and then sell it on e-bay, craigslist, etc when I am done with it. If you purchase the best of something, it depreciates very little in value while you use it (works for tools, jewelry, musical instruments, furniture, but not for cars!), and you can recoup the majority of your costs.

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I've used Ebay for buying and selling, from the smallest purchases to cars (was into refurbishing old style VW Beetles, bought a few of the Bugs on Ebay). I will still buy things that I am not able to find locally, but am not selling anymore. States (including PA,where I reside) now want taxes paid and collected on sales, which I think would be too complicated to track. So I now donate to Goodwill and take the tax write off, much easier, besides I am doing Goodwill and its' employees much more good than if I were to sell the stuff on Ebay. Tried selling on Craigslist, ended up getting more spamming of smut than successful sales.

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Sara N

Yes, I have been using ebay to sell clothes I no longer wear!

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I use ebay quite often.

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sonja adams

I use ebay quite frequently to sell things i no longer need. i don't buy as much from ebay anymore though because Amazon is so much easier and i get free shipping.

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Mona Cormier

I use ebay all the time. I buy a lot, but I also sell what I don't use. I have gotten incredible deals on ebay. Basically, you have to have patience to wait for that ideal item and for the price to be right. I love ebay. I am definitely addicted!

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I use ebay to both buy and sell items. I create and make homemade items and sell on ebay. :) Whenever there is a better deal on ebay and it seems fair, i usually buy it on ebay. I don't see why anyone wouldn't consider ebay. You can usually tell if the people are scamming you, and if you see it's from a different country, simply don't buy it.

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Erin M

Avid Ebayer here! Love the site so much as it saves so much money buying things that others wouldn't find useful at all.

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