Ask the Readers: Do You Use eBay?

Editor's Note: Congratulations to lady, Francesca, and Therese for winning this week's contest!

Everyone has heard of eBay and most people have either participated in eBay's online auctions by either bidding or posting an item for auction. Some people can get caught up in the excitement of a last minute bidding war and reap substantial savings on things they want to purchase while other's find eBay to be a great way to sell their unwanted items. However, other people steer clear of eBay for one reason or another.

Do you use eBay? If so, do you use it to sell items or buy items? If you bought items, were you able to get a good deal? If you don't use eBay, what keeps you from using it?

Tell us if you use eBay and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

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yes, i love to use ebay. Gets rid of all the chotkes from my dysfunctional family of origin. And like Amy Sedaris, I find I love the monetary transaction even if it is only enough quarters to do your laundry.

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Alex H

=) I just sold an old T-Shirt on eBay this morning! I've bought plenty of stuff, too, in the past - anything from video games to a rain barrel.

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Alex H

Also "liked" you on facebook. Of course.

Fingers crossed

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I do indeed. I use it to buy comic books to fill in gaps in collections and such.

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Tricia Kolsto

I use Ebay quite a bit and get great deals. I live in Canada and find that we are behind as far electronics go so I can very often get great things from there.

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Yes, I use ebay to buy and sell. I use it sporadically. I use their sister site to buy books. I usually don't get the deal of the century, but it is better than going to the store or another website. I have made a couple of mistakes over the years and I have had 2 people who haven't sent the items. But eBay is good about refunding me the money. The items I have sold have been great. I make more money than in a garage sale. At a garage sale you aren't going to find the customer that is looking for the item you have like they are on eBay. I definitely recommend eBay.

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I use ebay to buy and sell items. Buying is hit and miss. I generally find that items are more expensive on ebay, but occasionally you can find a good deal on used items. Selling on ebay has been great. I use it as a way to get rid of clutter and pick up some extra cash.

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Margaret Davis

Though I have an Ebay account, I use it sporadically (about once every 3 years) when I decide it is time to de-clutter my home. I also use it to keep an eye open for specific items that I would like to purchase used or on the cheap.

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Using Ebay is a once-in-a-while activity here. There has to be something that I want and be willing to spend some time on it. Although it is fun to win an auction and the rush of adrenalin is fun, a loss is not so fun, especially if it is something that you wanted. I have gotten some things that were important to me on there though, things from my childhood that are no longer available, so that makes me quite happy that there is such a thing as Ebay.

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I used to use Ebay a lot but it seems in the past year of so half of my purchases turn out to be junk, and I mean stuff you wouldn't sell in a garage sale. Even with pics you never know what you are getting. I also sell my daughters clothes on there, but only the ones that are very nice, not anything that would go into a garage sale or to the mission. I do pretty well on the sales, but not going to be rich off it, with the time I spend on it I break even with buying a couple new items off there. I do not leave bad feedback as I am afraid that the seller will ruin my rating, plus it is a pain to dispute the purchase, so I just chalk it up as a loss and throw in the mission pile. It just seems as of late Ebay has let a lot of ragtag sellers on there and I wish there was a way that your feedback wouldn't show up until the end of the month in a batch so that you wouldn't be penalized for giving a bad review. The seller should not be able to leave feedback unless payment was not received...

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Monica Platz

I LOVE ebay and just celebrated my 9th anniversary (I only know this because ebay notified me!)

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I don't really use eBay, and I'm not sure why. I think I'm afraid of getting a knockoff product, or it could be that I think I'm not going to be able to get the last, winning bid anyway so "why bother?"

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David Singleton

I use ebay for almost everything.......

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I sometimes use eBay to see if I can get a better idea on a certain item. If so, I click and buy!

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Liked you guys on FB!

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Yes I do! Especially

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Am I in the minority here? I find Craigslist far superior to eBay! I just blogged about the reasons I don't use eBay at

Mr. Everyday Dollar

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Yes, I use eBay infrequently, mostly to sell things. I've bought a couple things here and there too.

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I like you on Facebook.

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Yep! I like using eBay to sell costume jewelry.

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eBay has definitely gone downhill, but I still use it occasionally for buying and selling certain things.


I insure everything to the hilt, because the system is stacked so heavily in favor of the buyer. It's a venue of last resort.

I will sell items on eBay that are small, high-value, and which I cannot sell on CraigsList. For example, I recently sold two laptops on eBay after listing them on CL for two weeks with no serious responses. The fees are too onerous to deal with low-dollar merchandise and the free/discounted shipping expectations make selling stuff like books a breakeven proposition at best.


I will buy stuff I know thoroughly, and which has decent pictures. When I was in college, I bought all of my textbooks as "international editions" on eBay, and re-sold them on Amazon to break even. eBay is also great for vintage items, like old video games and books which are out of print.

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Absolutely! I love eBay - both as a buyer and a seller. It's amazing to me how many things I have that I don't use that someone else needs. It's a win-win!

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Love eBay and 'liked' WiseBread!

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Yes, but not as often as I used to. I find that the Amazon marketplace has better deals.

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I did a few times many years ago but then swore it off. Until recently. I was desperate to find my exact same model of phone in as good condition as possible (since it's not manufactured anymore), and lo and behold, someone on eBay just so happened to have it in totally unused condition. I received the item yesterday and am SO HAPPY!

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I like WiseBread on Facebook.

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Nicole C.

I sell items on eBay as well as purchase items on eBay. I have been a member of eBay since 2008. I buy and sell mostly clothes, shoes and accessories.

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Rachel R

I use it mostly for buying and I have gotten excellent deals! I have sold a few items here or there, but am making an attempt to earn money off items I no longer use.

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I've bought a few things on ebay. So far I haven't tried selling, but I'd like to figure it out and give it a try!

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I have used ebay to upgrade my classroom. My district doesn’t have funding for many tech items. I bought a SMARTBORAD (interactive computer board), Slate, and document camera. All were priced well below market value and work fabulously. Now I can run with the big dogs!

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Betty D

I use ebay only to buy coupons. When there is a good sale on something I use a lot of in the supermarket, (coffee!) I try to match it up with coupons so I can stock up.

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Betty D

I liked you on Facebook.

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Betty D

I responded on Twitter.!/1bets1/status/220255484333129728

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Yes, we use ebay to purchase things. It's like an online yardsale. :)

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I use eBay frequently to get repair parts, they arrive before the regular supplier even ships them out!

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Its funny you would ask. I have eBay open right now!

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Yes, I use eBay both to sell things and buy things Not as much as I used because of my busy work schedule but it definitely helps especially around the holidays

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Wise Bread FB Fan C.j. Jennings

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Celia Johnson

Absolutely--I've bought nifty things, necessary things and just things I wanted.

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Guest melody beoard

I did use ebay a lot but I think its easier 2 find what I need on amazon @ least right nowi think ebay should break down there catagories more. But I do use both

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I have never tried eBay - I even have the book, eBay for Dummies, yet have never tried!
~Mad(elyn)in Alabama

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Melissa Hansson

eBay is fantastic. I recently found 2 more sets of lobster bibs like the ones that no one in town had in stock. Quick and cheap transactions of random stuff. Love eBay.

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Diana Foster

I have never gotten around to using Ebay. Maybe one day. I also liked you on Facebook.

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Melissa Hansson

"Liked" on Facebook. Thank you for the chance to win!

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I love ebay. I have bought and sold on it for years. Great for hard to find items. My feedback rating is almost 500, so I have bought and sold that many times at least.

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Harshil P

I use ebay mainly to buy things cheaper (I am quite happy with used stuff) and I am trying to learn how to sell

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absolutely, I use eBay. it's the only place to buy stuff.

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Yes indeed, I use it to buy and sell.

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I use eBay to buy and sell; have been for the past 10 years. It is time consuming, I have learned few tricks here and there to cut the time, but it does get rid of my junk so I can get more junk on....eBay. I have gotten crazy deals on eBay from goose down coat for $10 with shipping to apple new keyboard for $10 with shipping to used waterproof camera for $100 where stores sell it for $260

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Amy Zimmer

Hi There,

I do use Ebay, mostly to sell. The way I manage my garage sale habit, is I always buy at least one thing that I will resell to pay for any of my other purchases. It is amazing what folks are looking for. I recommend anyone look through their house, see what it is that has been lying around, and definitely try and sell it on Ebay. It feels so good! I use my Ipad to take pictures and then use the Ebay app and it all loads extremely fast. I recommend the 5 Day auction, since they are usually free or very inexpensive to list. Make sure to list a start price, otherwise you may be left with selling your valuable for .99. I rarely, but sometimes do buy on Ebay...usually for buttons, or something that I need for a project and don't have the time to hunt down.
Hope this helps, Amy

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I love using eBay. I recently had a few new-in-package items left after a yard sale and sold them on Ebay for $50! My total asking price at the yard sale was less than $10. I'm hooked!

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Rebecca B. A. R.

Yes, I use ebay to buy and sell items. I've been able to get great deals on items, sell a few things for good money, and have only been screwed a couple times!

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I do use eBay, I've been selling things on that site for 11 years! It's the best site to get rid of unused clutter at home and an extra source of income!

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Liked on facebook and also left a comment

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Yes! Love eBay. We mostly sell; there always seem to be things that we no longer need or want that are ready to find a new home. I also found an exact copy of a stuffed animal my twins were fighting over on eBay, too, and bought it - no more arguments.

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I have never sold anything on eBay, but I have bought some items. I got some great deals!

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not anymore. i don't want to be tempted to buy and i havn't had good experience selling.

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like wisebread on fb

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Rob Mirsky

I used to use eBay all of the time, but I prefer Amazon now that I am a prime member. I know if I buy a prime item, it will be on my door step in two days.

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I did use ebay back in high school and college but don't use it much anymore.

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Gabriella G.

I used to. Now i use Amazon.

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We use Ebay regularly. In fact we just sold 3 items on there this week!

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I usually only sell on ebay. You can find everything on there though.

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I do occasionally. I used to a lot more, their fees for selling are kind of ridiculous now.

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Happy Love

I occasionally sell on eBay, but I mostly just buy. I've found good deals on coupons and pet supplies in particular.

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I used to shop ebay, many years ago. I also used it to sell a lot of the collectibles I no longer wanted when I went minimal. However, now I try not to buy much of anything, and when I do, I go either local or thrift.

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I use ebay to find and buy vintage sewing patterns I can't find elsewhere. I've also found great buys on other items, such as books.

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I regularly use it to buy and occasionally to sell.

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Selene M.

I do use Ebay.

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Selene M.

I like you on Facebook as Selene Montgomery

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Alice Mecoy

Yes, I sell and shop on Ebay. Great way to get rid of old, unwanted, but still useful items.

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I use ebay mainly for buying items. sometimes an item I am price comparing is cheapest on ebay, or sometimes its an odd-ball part or item that is hard to find. I've only ever sold a few things on ebay and was less that impressed with the selling (buyers not reading the description, etc)

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Yes I have recently sold an item and purchased a couple items...i am a novice ebayer

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I use eBay mainly to buy items that I can't find anywhere else. I rarely (if ever) get caught in a bidding war and end up overpaying.

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I used to use ebay once in a while, not so much anymore.
I don't know what keeps me from using it but I just don't have a desire to do so.

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I also have WB liked on facebook.

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I used to use it for selling, but I got tired of fees and rude, non-paying buyers.

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Like you on FB.

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I list unused items on ebay all the time! I love that site!

tweet answer:

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Yes, I love eBay I have found plenty of bargains on there as well as sold a few items!
Great site for anything from purchasing or selling a car or travel deals.

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I have used eBay with mixed results. For the most part, I have received what I wanted in the condition I expected. On a couple of occasions, I received incorrect or damaged items. Overall, it has been a positive experience, but I don't use it often at all.

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Luiz Daluz

Yes, I do. I don't buy anything before checking it up on ebay first. Just today, I was able to save around $40 on Flea pills for my dogs. Petco had it for $65 and I was able to find on eBay for $26. Good deal, huh?

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I use ebay when I'm looking for something specific. I've found some incredible deals - out of print books for a dollar, vintage/antique items for 1/10 the price I'd just seen them in an antique store, and today I won a bid for a necklace to match earrings I received as a gift. I don't just browse though...that'd be too tempting!

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I do not use ebay. I never have because I am not familiar with it, and do my online shopping at other sites.

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I do, both to buy and sell! It's a great way to make a little money and clear out some clutter.

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earth goddess

Yes, definitely! I actually just purchased a new housing and battery for my cellphone instead of buying a new phone I'm gonna switch out the housing on the one I love! My favorite cell! When I'm done with it it will look like new again for way less then purchasing another cellphone! So yes eBay is my first stop for looking for what I need! :)

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Yes! Well, really my boyfriend. He sells a lot of stuff and
probably makes an extra $12,000 a year!

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Have have been an Ebay for around 13 years. I have sold items on Ebay before, but it can be more hassle than it is worth unless you only list things on occasion or buy supplies and have an postage scale and either work from home and can schedule pickup or have a place nearby to drop off packages or leave packages for pick up.

I buy stuff on Ebay all of the time and get good deals, but also go their for convenience so I don't have to wander around different stores for hours. The downside is there are some very crazy people out out there and some of them post things for sale on Ebay (and never send it out).

The worst was a seller that started stalking me on Ebay after I opened a case on Ebay after never receiving an item and not getting a response and started seeing others filling negative ratings as they had the same problem. I received scathing emails from the seller and she started checking everything I had bought or bid on and made all sorts of horrible comments via email. I emailed her back just asking for my money back and any further contact needed to go through Square Trade.

As she kept it up, I blocked her email address, but she creating new ones (or maybe she already had them?) and even implied threat in that "I lived within driving distance". I did eventually get my money back, but continued to receive emails for a few months even after that, which I would block the email address and delete without reading.

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I have "liked" Wisebread on Facebook

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I've done more selling than buying on eBay, but even then I have moved away from selling on eBay in favor of craigslist - free to post, no commission charged, cash transactions, and I don't have to deal with shipping.

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Also, I just "liked" you on Facebook!

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I haven't used eBay more than once or twice in the last few years. But that's mainly because I have been trying to cut down on my spending.

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I already follow you on Facebook

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