Ask the Readers: What Are Your Spring Cleaning Tips?

Editor's Note: Congratulations to Betty, Christie, and Linda for winning this week's contest!

Spring cleaning is often a dreaded, exhausting project — but it doesn't have to be! This week, let's share tips to help each other organize and clean house from top to bottom, closets to yard.

What are your spring cleaning tips? Do you make your own cleaners, or repurpose household items to help you clean? Do you have a strategy to organize each room? How do you make heavy duty cleaning more fun?

Tell us about your spring cleaning tips and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

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Mary Happymommy

I tackle one room each day when spring cleaning.

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Betty D.

I try to keep on top of it year round, so I don't feel overwhelmed. I make my own cleaning products for the most part. White vinegar and water is amazing for most cleaning jobs.

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I focus on one room/task at a time so it doesn't seem as overwhelming and I make sure to keep a "to-do" list. Not only does it keep me focused on the task at hand, it makes me feel so successful each time I cross something off of it!

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So a little bit throughout the year so that it isn't a major chore in the Springtime when you want to be outside! :)

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I clean a little bit every day to make the spring cleaning easier

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Kristine E.

My best tip is to set aside a whole day to clean, crank up the music and get to it!

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I blast music and turn my spring cleaning into a personal dance party.

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Varun Narula

(1) Try to go green every year - buy a little less of the same bought last year.
(2) Do away with paper towels and use washable cotton towels instead.

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I like to make my own cleaners but do have an exception. I find that my bathtub is not as clean unless I use Tilex. So, I splurge on that but try to buy it when there are coupons/sales.

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My biggest rule for Spring Cleaning is getting rid of things that I think I "might" need someday if I realistically know that day isn't coming any time soon. It's tough to throw away things that seem perfectly fine, especially when you're frugal, but NOT throwing away those things is what leads to clutter.

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we keep a goodwill box in the laundry room and try to declutter whenever we have a spare 10 or 15 minutes.

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None of it is fun or easy--Just get started. Starting seems to be the toughest part for me but once I jump in there is no stopping.

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Open the windows and get rid of all that stale air. Then work on the clutter and hold a garage sale.

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Give yourself a reward to look forward to at the end so you get that last project done instead of saving it for later.

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I don't really participate in the usual spring cleaning ritual. It's just me, my husband, and our cat at our house, so we don't have a lot of "stuff". Keeping our possessions to a minimum and doing normal weekly cleaning does the trick year-round for us.

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I first throw out/recycle everything that is just weighing me down. Then I clean the floors. Clean floors make all the difference in the world. I do my best to clean with brooms and natural cleaners (Castille soap, lemon juice, and a few drops of tea tree oil). Then I clean windows. It's a hard job, but it is worth it. That's really it. Clean spaces, clean floors, and clean windows.

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I clean out the pantry and look at expiration dates of all the food - if it's old, it's gotta go. If it's been in there more than 6 months, it's gotta go!

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To clean a bedroom, I use "singling handling" a proven time management technique.

1. Clear off the bed (you want an open surface, no crumpled blankets, etc)
2. Put EVERYTHING on the bed. Clear the shelves, closets, floor, etc. all in a huge pile on the bed.
3. Dust, vacuum, etc the empty room
4. Pick up ONE item, and DON'T set it down until it is in it's true place.
5. Repeat step 4 until the bed is cleared.
6. Change sheets and make the bed.

The trick is never put anything back on the bed once you pick it up.

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Get the whole family involved, 1 room a a time. If everyone is involved in the cleaning, they are slightly less likely to undo the tidiness :)
Also, if I do end up cleaning alone, I listen to an audio book so I feel doubly productive!

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My hacks are all dust related b/c I'm allergic :-/. Rubber gloves while cleaning/sorting so it doesn't dry out my hands, a cheap dust mask so I don't inhale any, and do the dusting of furniture last, after all the other cleaning, possibly the next day after so the dust has settled and you can just get it all up with a cloth.

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For me, the first step to spring cleaning is decluttering every room. Go through each room w/a "donate" box and get rid of any extra stuff that needs to go. Then I tackle one room at a time and clean from top to bottom - starting w/ceiling fans and working my way down.

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I've made a rotor so I have a room or tasks that I do each day to keep on top of everything.

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I plan the end of my cleaning to coincide with a yard sale. It's easier to clean when you don't have clutter.

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I break my cleaning down into smaller more managable tasks

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I try to motivate myself on that first sunny, warm day when I can open all the windows. Just the feeling of spring and fresh air is enough to help make cleaning less of a drag.

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My best suggestion is to declutter while you clean. You'll end up with less to clean and put away so it will be easier to keep up later.

I try to declutter small areas regularly~ clean out the medicine when I'm putting vitamins in my daily dispenser; clear out the pen drawer while I'm on the phone; clear out the makeup while I'm cleaning the bathroom sink; clear out clothes while you're switching from winter to spring wardrobe.

Less stuff equals less cleaning in the long run!

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I like and recommend having one manageable project to focus on at a time, along with a plan for getting it done. I love using vinegar and water to clean just about anything. Also, I recently discovered that paper coffee filters are great for cleaning mirrors without worrying about lint residue.

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I use Pine-Sol to clean virtually everything. It cleans great, it disinfects, and it works every bit as good as any of the newer, more expensive products available.

I also dust using a microfiber cloth, which attracts and picks up dust extremely well. Microfiber works way better than, say, a regular cotton cloth.

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We pick a day in advance to do a big clean. Before that day I'll declutter so there isn't stuff all over surfaces that need cleaning. My husband and I usually go out for a big hearty breakfast to fuel up, and then we just hit the ground running, usually working on one room at a time. We use somewhat natural multipurpose cleaners whenever possible. We just try to get through it and know it'll be a great feeling of accomplishment when we're done, and we'll enjoy the nice clean house. Oh, and we'll usually have a treat afterward, like a cupcake, to reward ourselves for a job well done.

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Brenda Faulkner

I start from kitchen and work my way out!

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Sherry Butcher

Using the old but very good cleaner of water & vinginer usually does the task and without the high cost of new clearners.

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Bust out your steam cleaner! We just hit everything in our place with the steam corner: stove, floors, tub, toilet, etc. I think I paid $60 for it online. Worth all the time and definitely the money.

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Dust dust dust those dust bunnies out! I use a Swifter dry sheet, spiked with lavender!

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katie m

Use a friend! I invite a good friend over to keep me company and keep me on task (no cleaning required on her part!). I don't notice what I'm doing as much when it is the background to chatting with my friend. And then I do the same for her!

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I can't clean until I declutter more. So that is my priority. It doesn't make sense to move stuff around to clean it if it is stuff I don't truly need to have.

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Valerie B

I have a regular cleaning schedule that I follow year round; the house is divided into sections. During spring cleaning I just put a little extra effort into things I may normally skimp on. I make my own cleaners using vinegar, water, and baking soda; I use microfiber cloths which work great. And open up all the windows in the house to let that fresh air in and chase the hidden dust bunnies out into the open where I can get em'!

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The only strategy for me is to clean on a semi-consistent basis. I cannot just choose a day and clean all day. Generally, I am cleaning on a daily basis. As I go through the day, if I see something that needs to be taken care of I do it right away.

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Tiffany S.

I usually do small tasks throughout the entire year so I don't have one massive spring cleaning to get through. When I do decide to clean, I either choose to do one room at a time sorting, reorganizing, and cleaning...or I choose one task to do and do it in every room...and music is almost always a part of the process ; )

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Tabathia B

We usually try to do it during the weekend when the oldest two are home from college and we assign cleaning duties for everyone and I use old shirts, sponges and cleaning supplies purchased with coupons

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Claire P.

The most refreshing way to get into spring cleaning is by clearing out all of the unnecessary clutter. For me, this is mostly in the form of clothing, so I create three piles: one to give to Salvation Army, another to keep (if I still can't let go!), and another to try and sell at consignment stores. I keep all the bags (except the bag to keep) in the trunk of my car so I can stop by a consignment shop or Goodwill on my way home from work or on the weekends.

Whatever doesn't sell at a consignment shop I give to Goodwill.

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Wash windows and curtains

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Rebecca B. A. R.

Declutter before you spring clean, then is will be easier to get to everything to clean.

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I use old dryer sheets to dust with

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vinegar and baking soda. clean those closets out and move all the spring stuff in, winter out!

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my spring cleaning tip is to do one room or area or task at a time.

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Sometimes, looking at the big picture is WAY too overwhelming to start -- so I'll look at nice, de-cluttered rooms online for motivation. Then, when I pick a room, I try to notice the things I've just gotten used to seeing -- that stack of paperwork on the corner of the desk -- that pile of clothes that needs to be mended on the dryer -- that box of trinkets that I STILL haven't gone through since the move...that sort of stuff. What DOESN'T belong? What items ALWAYS make me think, 'I don't like that there.' Start there. You'll get yourself going, and will keep tackling the more simple stuff, too.

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I always start with the hard tasks first so then the easy ones are left and I do not mind doing them.

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Lisa Under the Redwoods

It's like eating an elephant. You have to do it one bite at a time 8-). I focus on one surface type at a time. Such as going through and wiping down all the cobwebs, mopping all thefloors, cleaning all the windows, etc.

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I use two "motivators" over the weekend I spring clean: 1) I get a Post-it style flipchart page from work and list the rooms and the areas of each (Kitchen - table, Bedroom - closet, LR - TV area, etc.) so I can mark them off as I go along then I also use it for 2) writing down fix-its and follow-ups so I don't stop cleaning and get distracted. For instance, need to get replacement hangers for some broken or metal ones or calling a friend to ask if they have my game I loaned them 2 months ago. Having the list on wall makes it easy to see, it is repositionable as I move from room to room and I have a running future To-Do so I have no excuse to "just take a minute" and to something now.

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I use those magic erasers from Mr.Clean. They make cleaning less of a chore, thus I am more likely to do it.

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We like to make it fun! Like the picture above, we engage the kids and make it a Spring Clean Party. We make lists. We dance or reward (healthy snacks, ok sometimes a cookie :) when we complete a task from the lists. Everybody has their own list yet we all stop and celebrate when someone comes running with a task checked off. We cheer and high five and everybody encourages everybody. Albeit, this may not work with all families, but our 3 and 5 year old loves it! This builds our family and support for one another's accomplishments. We are also teaching the little ones how to work hard and the satisfaction of a job well done. We also do something special like go on a bike ride if everybody doesn't quit and gets everything on their list finished!

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Get organized before you start - gather all your cleaning tools together. Also, carry several bags/boxes between rooms: one for items that are in the wrong room, one for giving away, and one for toss.

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I use microfiber cloths to dust everything; they work best for attracting dust. The best thing I've found to clean marks, stains or virtually anything else on walls is a Magic Eraser pad. For everything else I use Pine-Sol, an old-fashioned cleaner but still one of the best.

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J. Pario

We throw a get-together. Afterwards, I mean. It motivates us to clean, and for spring cleaning we just kick it up a notch. Best wishes for happy sweeping, washing, and dusting every one!

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My tips:
Do it all in one day! Why? cause once you get momentum it's easy to keep going and make a day of it, and you'll feel great when you finish! The hardest part is getting started, so why not just keep at it until the job is done.

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I think I'm late for the contest. However, I couldn't agree more with the folks who said that they do a bit of cleaning each day. This eliminates the whole problem! I find that once I build a habit of cleaning after myself every day, it really does become second nature. Of course a good sweeping or vacuuming each spring is still necessary, but this takes 30 minutes at most.

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