Ask the Readers: What Do You Enjoy Most About the Olympics?

Editor's Note: Congratulations to Rust, Christie, and Julie for winning this week's contest!

The 2016 Olympics is well under way and we've seen some truly astounding feats of athleticism!

What do you enjoy most about the Olympics? What is your favorite event and who are your favorite athletes? What are some of your favorite moments of this year's Olympics?

Tell us what you enjoy most about the Olympics and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

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Tina in NJ

The Olympics is really about a whole bunch of people trying to be the best at something. Yes, there are rivalries and some politics, but most of the athletes have worked really hard for years just to get there. It's the pursuit of excellence that pulls me in.

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Karen Patterson

I love watching the girls' gymnastics.

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I enjoy Olympics gymnastics the most. Jacob Dalton is my favorite athlete from the 2016 games.

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Julie Wood

I enjoy the Women's Gymnastics the best at the Summer Olympics this year.

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I love watching how proud people get when they medal and how sometimes they are so surprised. Same for watching their parents.

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I don't watch the Olympics

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My favorite part of the Olympics is that people from small towns in Missouri, to villages in Kenya, to large cities in South America are all able to compete in the exact same event in one place. Everyone has their own style or method in their sport, and it makes it very unique.

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My favorite thing about the Olympics is track & field, the running specifically. I love the marathon and the other running events. My favorite athletes are Shalane Flanagan, Desi Linden, and Amy Cragg and I was very happy to see them all in the top 10 for the marathon! My other favorite is Meb Keflezighi, who I got to meet at a marathon I ran. Another favorite is Kristin Armstrong and was very happy for her amazing gold medal performance.

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Bethany M

I love swimming and gymnastics, and all the personal stories that go with.

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I most enjoy the drama of competition in the Olympics.

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I like swimming and Michael Phelps the most.

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Sonja Johnson

The swimming has been great.

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I enjoy watching the competition and how close or far away the race is. I like the track and swimming events because everyone goes at the same time and you can see the distance between the places. There's also an objective measure of time to determine a winner unlike gymnastics. Michael Phelps is always fun to watch. The best part of the Rio Olympics has been watching the comedy of errors - officials locking themselves out, the pool turning green, etc.

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Almost everything! (Except them being over...) I love watching people from all over the globe use their training to do their best in a sport (sometimes that we've never been able to see or hear about before -- did you know that there is a market for competitive racewalking, trampoline, or canoeing on one knee?) I find them all fascinating and watch whenever I can. I think we have the tv on more during these 2 weeks than most of the rest of the 2 years put together! Love the sportsmanship, the peace, and the camaraderie of the Games!

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I love watching the swimming. Michael phelps is my favorite. I love seeing him nbreaking all the records!

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I'm a huge fan of the Olympics! I love watching any and all events, truly enjoying the sports I'm less familiar with. Overall though, my favorite summer events are definitely women's soccer and swimming!

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I love most sports in the Olympics but soccer is what I most enjoy watching.

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I love seeing the parent's reactions, and hearing the stories of how the Olympians got to be where they are today!

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Sheryl Edwards

I have enjoyed several events at the Olympics such as swimming, beach volleyball, track and field, gymnastics. I have especially enjoyed watching the Women's Gymnastics. In particular I have been amazed at Simon Bile's competitions. She is very inspirational and so talented!

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Mary W

I enjoy watching the athletes compete in their colorful outfits. A close race is always great entertainment.

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Michelle D.

My favorite part of the Olympics is the gymnastics, diving, and swimming!

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Karen Littman

I like the athleticism and the pride for the athlete's home country.

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the personal back stories of the various athletes.

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Monique Hubert

I love learning about the stories of all the athletes and how hard they worked to get to the Olympics, plus getting to know more about the host city and country is always fun and illuminating. My favorite event is gymnastics, especially since I did gymnastics as a kid and teenager. Everything having to do with Simone Biles this year has been amazing!

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I love to watch the Olympic track and field running races! I love it when there is a close finish.

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Susan P.

My favorites of the Olympics so far have been women's gymnastics, swimming and track & field. I loved watching Simone Biles and Aly Raisman on the individual events, especially the floor exercise. Wow! Katie Ledecky and Michael Phelps were awesome as well as Matt Kuchar in golf.

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Donna D

I have not been watching the Olympics at all this time.

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This year I have been enjoying learning all about the different sports, googling as I watch with my husband. I've never been into sports so there has been a lot I have been looking up!

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Boomer Phelps! :)

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Emily S.

This may be cheesy, but I love the good sportsmanship! Nothing like seeing a bunch of competitors hug after a togh match.

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I love watching swimming and track!

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Tabathia B

I love watching athletes compete in their best event for their country. I love watching gymnastics, diving, swimming, basketball, canoeing, volleyball, track and field, soccer.

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Ashley Park

I love watching all the sports and events and seeing all the team spirit.

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Jenny D

I love too many Olympic events to narrow it down to one. Favorites? Running in Track and Field, Gymnastics, and Swimming. Favorites this go-round: Michael Phelps, Simone Biles, Simone Manuel, and Lilly King.

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I enjoy gymnastics and beach volleyball the most at the Olympics.

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I don't normally watch the Olympics, but this year I've been watch women gymnastics and swimming.

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Susan Smith

I enjoy the Women's gymnastics the best at the Summer Olympics this year.

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I'm not a big Olympics fan, but I caught a few things here and there on TV. I guess what I like are the feel good stories. For example, when a runner falls and another runner helps them up even if it means they finish slower themselves, things like that.

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Raul Santillan

opening ceremonies

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Rebecca Ross

I really like watching the gymnastics in summer and ice skating in winter. I haven't really had time to watch any of it this year, though.

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Tracy Hirsch

We enjoy every sport. The camaraderie and sportsmanship across nations is so uplifting.

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The opening ceremonies, the stories about the athletes and the women's gymnastics!

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Ana Lee

I love watching the swimming and seeing new records being made!

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I like the variety of people and cultures. You realize people really are very similar no matter their backgrounds.

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Watching America win!

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J. Pario

You know, I really should watch some of the Olympics :)

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I like seeing people who worked hard, sacrificed and gave their all to achieve their dreams. A lot of people fantasize about Olympic glory but for various reasons, don't work towards it. I enjoy seeing the best of the best compete with each other and achieve goals, even if they don't medal in their sport. It must be beyond cool just to be able to say, "I was an Olympic athlete."

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I like watching the less well known sports. This morning I saw race walking and last week I discovered how good women's rugby can be. All of these athletes train so hard to get to the Olympics but only a few get the bulk of the media's attention.

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I love to see the swimming. Phelps is amazing!

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Ernest S.

I love seeing acts of sportsmanship. I feel like at the end of the day, we should be proud of all athletes for their achievements, not just those who represent our country.

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C Hui

I enjoy the gymnastics the most!

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I love the swimming and gymnastics and love to hear the stories about the contestants .

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Happy Love

I like the men's gymnastics.

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An G

I enjoy most about the Olympics is being inspired by these amazing athletes that give up their whole world to train for their country. The best is their inspirational stories they have to tell.

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Miss kim

I enjoy the gymnastics most.

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Thomas Murphy

I like seeing usain bolt

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Michael K

I love to see all the different countries competing and all the athletes. They are all so talented.

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