Best Money Tips: 10 Must-Have Products for Financial Security


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on the products you must have to be financial secure, germ magnets you should clean this spring, and things you need to know to survive life.

Top 5 Articles

You Can't Be Financially Secure Without These 10 Products — Put your emergency fund in a high-yield savings account so it can grow a bit even while it sits. [Money Talks News]

10 Germ Magnets That Need Spring Cleaning — Think of the items you take with you everywhere: cell phones, purses, wallets. When was the last time you cleaned each of them? [Cheapism]

146 Useful Things Everyone Needs to Know to Survive Life — If you are stung by a jellyfish, rinse the area with vinegar — not pee! [PopSugar Smart Living]

Socialize on a Budget: 5 Ways for Professionals to Save Money — Do lunch instead of dinner, and take advantage of lunch or afternoon specials. [MoneyNing]

Every Garden Should Have These Herbs! — Oregano goes great in Italian and Mediterranean dishes, and it stands up well against hot, dry weather. [Moms Need to Know]

Other Essential Reading

The 9 Best Ways to Use Your Tax Return — Pay off debt, starting with the high-interest variety. It'll free up more money for your monthly budget and lift a weight off your shoulders. [Parenting Squad]

Craigslist or eBay? The ultimate guide to selling your stuff online. — eBay is great for unique, niche or collectible items, brand-name clothing, working electronics and hot holiday items. [The Monitor]

3 Habits of People With High Credit Scores — 96% of people with the highest credit scores pay their loans and credit card bills on time. Make sure you do, too, even if it's just the minimum. [Kiplinger]

How Low Self-Esteem Could Be Keeping You From Paying Off Your Debt — Low self-esteem keeps you from seeing the possibilities beyond this moment. It makes you think that a life beyond without debt is impossible. [ReadyForZero]

When Is It Time To Hire A Financial Advisor? — It may be time to hire a financial advisor if you want an impartial third-party opinion on how to manage your money. [Money Under 30]

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