Best Money Tips: 10 Things Smart People Don't Do


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on the things smart people don’t do, jobs with the biggest pay raises, and new ways to use your farmers market favorites.

Top 5 Articles

10 Things Smart People Don’t Do — Smart people know that it takes hard work to get what you want; they don't expect immediate results. [Dumb Little Man]

20 jobs with the biggest pay raises — The position of business systems analyst saw the largest growth in pay over the last year. [CNN Money]

New Ways to Use Your Farmers Market Favorites — You'll find many different varieties of tomatoes at the farmers market. Use a few different kinds, plus other seasonal veggies, to make a lettuce-less salad. [PopSugar Smart Living]

How To Save Money On Groceries Without Extreme Couponing — Look for a meat market in your area. You can get a bigger discount when you buy in bulk, so shop with family or friends to split the cost. [Adventures In Frugal Land]

How to Clean Your Gutters — Don't try to clean your gutters from the roof. For safety's sake, grab a ladder! [The Art of Manliness]

Other Essential Reading

5 Ways to Lower Your Insurance Premiums — A good credit score can save you hundreds on insurance premiums. [The Frugal Toad]

15 Must-Have Pantry Staples — Dried beans are cheap, versatile, and a great source of protein! [Northern Cheapskate]

How To Cut People Off The Holiday Gift Giving List Without Feeling Guilty — If you are having trouble affording gifts for everyone, other members of your family are probably in the same boat. You can all agree to set a limit on gifts and the cost for them, or skip that part of the holidays altogether. [A Debt Free Stress Free Life]

Best Finance Books You’ve Never Heard Of — If you want a technical manual for quickly achieving financial independence, then check out Jacob Lund Fisker's Early Retirement Extreme. [Thousandaire]

Why It's Okay to NOT Be a Pinterest Mom — Pinterest is a great way to keep track of ideas and recipes, but you'll wreck yourself if you try to turn it into a lifestyle. [Parenting Squad]

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