Best Money Tips: 100+ Things to Do Before You Die


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on things to do before you die, getting the best deal on an engagement ring, and reducing the cost of your commute.

Top 5 Articles

100+ Things to Do Before You Die — If you have a bucket list, consider adding horseback riding in the ocean and staying in an overwater bungalow to your list. [PopSugar Smart Living]

How to get the best deal on an engagement ring — To get the best deal on an engagement ring, plan your purchase. [Five Cent Nickel]

5 Ways To Reduce The Cost Of Your Commute — You can reduce the cost of your commute by carpooling with coworkers. [Stack the Chips]

28 Money Making Apps: Free Apps for iPhone and Android — Did you know you can make money on your phone using apps like GymPact and Ibotta? [Money Pantry]

27 Alternatives to Television for Toddlers — Instead of letting your toddler watch TV, visit the pet shop or play with playdough with him or her. [Parenting Squad]

Other Essential Reading

What Financial Freedom Looks Like — Financial freedom means you have enough money saved that you can live peacefully. [Three Thrifty Guys]

How to Make Money Management Fun — Understanding your "why" can make money management more fun. [Take a Smart Step]

11 Killer Budgeting Tips From Personal Finance Bloggers — Scrutinizing your small budget categories to make your budget even better. [Listen Money Matters]

How to Make 2014 Your Best Financial Year Ever — To make 2014 your best financial year ever, set SMART goals. [Well Kept Wallet]

Home Remodeling - when you can't (or don't want to) DIY — When you can't DIY, shop around to save. [Get Rich Slowly]

30 Steps to Great Finances: Steps 16 Through 18 — If you want to get great finances, invest for retirement using index funds. [Free Money Finance]

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