Best Money Tips: 11 Ways to Save at Restaurants


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found helpful articles on ways to spend less money at restaurants, how to overcome laziness, and budget-friendly ways to fill an Easter basket.

Top 5 Articles

11 Ways to Spend Less Money at Restaurants — Restaurants often offer mid-week specials on their slow days. Ask around your local restaurants and see when they offer discounted food. [Saving Freak]

How To Motivate Yourself To Overcome Total Laziness — Write a list of the repercussions of your laziness, and put a timeline on it. What will your life look like in the future if you continue the way you are? This perspective can help you motivate yourself to make a change. [Pick The Brain]

Budget-Friendly Ways to Fill an Easter Basket — Filling Easter baskets with goodies is a fun way to celebrate this holiday, but it can get expensive. Use these ideas to pack goodies for recipients of any age without busting your budget. [Everything Finance]

5 Creative Ways to Get Organized for Spring — Make a list of outdoor home and garden projects that you're itching to do along with any materials you'll need to get. Schedule the projects into your calendar so you'll have something to look forward to each week. [The Order Expert]

13 Ways to Get Free Books — Follow your favorite authors and book blogs to catch giveaways of recent releases. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Other Essential Reading

14 Ways To Fight A Cold — Gargling salt water can relieve a sore or scratchy throat. Sucking on ice chips can also help! [Life'd]

6 Consistent Characteristics of Confident Women — A confident women is committed to expressing who she is without remorse. [Best Kept Self]

Tag Your Friend Who Always Makes These 30 Photography Mistakes —If you're taking a picture of someone wearing black clothing, have them stand against a white background. [Lifehack]

Getting Started With Tumbler Composting — Looking into composting? Here are some pros and cons to the tumbler method! [Moms Need to Know]

6 Dangers of Children's Jewelry You Should Know About — About a one-fourth of the population is allergic to certain metals, especially to nickel — which is often used in jewelry. [Parenting Squad]

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