Best Money Tips: 12 Habits That Turn Dreams Into Reality


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on habits that turn dreams into reality, ways to save money on auto maintenance, and 90 strategies to overcome shyness.

Top 5 Articles

How to Take Action: 12 Habits that Turn Dreams into Reality -- Partner up with someone who has similar goals so you can keep each other accountable. [The Positivity Blog]

6 Ways to Save Money on Auto Maintenance -- Take care of your car's basic needs. Preventative care is always less expensive than repairs at a shop. [Shopper Strategy]

How to Overcome Shyness: 90 Remarkably Fresh Strategies -- Your mind may start spinning anxious thoughts long before you enter a dreaded social situation. Disrupt the process by sharing your fears with someone or writing them down.  [Life Optimizer]

You Need to Stop Shaming Yourself Over These 11 Things -- Don't beat yourself up over the past -- you can't change what has already happened. You can, however, be proactive about bettering yourself now. [PopSugar Smart Living]

How to Stop Being House Poor -- When you first buy a house, you'll need to prioritize your furnishings. Furniture and functional items will have to come before décor whose only job is to look good. [Yes, I Am Cheap]

Other Essential Reading

3 Tax Deductions That May Increase Your Audit Risk -- Be careful what medical expenses you're claiming on your tax return. Not all health-related expenses qualify. [Cash The Checks]

How to Find Courage to Quit the Job You Hate -- Quitting your job can be scary, especially if you don't have another one lined up. But instead of letting the fear of failure take hold, turn it into the fear of regret. [MoneyMiniBlog]

Cure For Hangover? 5 Things To Do To Get Through The Morning After -- Your body needs energy to remove the alcohol from your system. Fruits and hangover soup are good to eat at this time. [Dumb Little Man]

11 Things You May Overlook When Starting a Business -- It takes enormous amounts of time and dedication to start a business. Make sure you have the time, energy, and resources to begin this venture. [Due]

6 Easter Basket Gift Ideas for Your Little Princess -- Fill your princess-loving child's Easter basket with fun, themed activities and accessories, like kid-friendly nail polish and princess storybooks! [Parenting Squad]

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