Best Money Tips: 123 Ways to Save Money


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some fantastic articles on 123 ways to save money, avoiding debt in the New Year, and toxic habits to drop.

Top 5 Articles

123 Ways To Save Money - Finance Bloggers Share Their Tips — Save money by reviewing your expenses regularly and being willing to shop at thrift stores. [Money Life and More]

How To Avoid Debt In The New Year — If you want to avoid debt in the New Year, live within your means. [20's Finance]

5 Toxic Habits to Drop in 2014 — Drop the habit of self doubt this year. [PopSugar Smart Living]

3 steps to less money stress in 2014 — To stress less about money in 2014, drop one bad habit and see what it does to your bank account and health. [Ask Liz Weston]

The Idea of Cash Flow — Eliminating bills such as debt can help you improve your cash flow. [The Simple Dollar]

Other Essential Reading

Make Just This One Change And You'll Save Hundreds This Year — Saying no to eating out can help you save hundreds this year. [Bible Money Matters]

Buying New Tires — When buying new tires, purchasing them online may be inexpensive, especially if you have a promotional code. []

Need More Cash? Consider Increasing Your Tax Allowances — If you need more cash, use a tax withholding calculator to help you boost your take home pay without owing money at the end of the year. [Budgets and the Beach]

Volunteering: 10 Reasons Why It's a Great New Year's Resolution — Volunteering is a great New Year's resolution because it gets you off the couch and builds stronger communities. [Parenting Squad]

Get a Shopping Discount with a Promotional Code — Before you buy something online, take the time to look for promo codes to save. [How's Married Life]

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Guest's picture

Ashley, thanks so much for including my money saving tips post. Also, thanks to Will and Greg for contributing a tip!

Ashley Jacobs's picture

Of course! Thanks for including Will and Greg!

Guest's picture

Now I am going away to do my breakfast, afterward having my breakfast coming yet again to read further news.

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