Best Money Tips: 15 Cheap Car Security Tips


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles with tips on cheap car security, affordable organic food, and reusable household items.

Top 5 Articles

15 Inexpensive Car Security Tips — A locking gas cap will make it harder for car thieves to fill the tank. [Saving Advice]

5 Ways to Afford Organic Food — Buy from bulk bins. Prices are usually lower because there is hardly any packaging involved. [Lazy Man and Money]

Eight Things You Can Reuse Instead of Throwing Away — Out of steel wool? A balled up piece of used foil wrap works as a scrubber, too. [Financial Highway]

7 Budget-Friendly Household Cleaners Made From Everyday Items — Place a tea bag in your shoes to absorb the smell. [SavvySugar]

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others — Take a look at your own situation. Do you feel that something is missing? If so, make a plan to help you get what you want. [Everything Finance]

Other Essential Reading

Is Your Social Media Profile Making You Vulnerable to Identity Theft? — Even if you don't list your birth date, identity thieves can guess your birth year if you make your graduation info public. [Canadian Finance Blog]

How To Manage Money As A College Student — Do you have a prepaid meal plan? Use it! [Christian PF]

Should You Cash Out of Your Retirement Savings Plan? — Before you cash out your retirement savings, consider the opportunity cost, any taxes and penalties, and the longer work life to make up for lost savings. [The Digerati Life]

5 Tips for School Night Dinners That Make the Grade — Healthy, quick meals are always within reach! Just grab some fresh veggies and protein, and wrap it all up with whole grain tortillas. [Parenting Squad]

Alternatives to College if it Doesn’t Make Financial Sense — By going to a trade school, you'll get the training you need to launch a career — without the cost of college tuition. [PT Money]

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Guest's picture

Great roundup - I especially like the article on Organic Food :)

Ray Jamali's picture

Thanks for including us!

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