Best Money Tips: 30+ Passive Income Ideas That Will Make You Money


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found articles on ideas for passive income, tips to organize your garage, and effective ways to meet your new neighbors when you move in.

Top 5 Articles

31 Epic Passive Income Ideas That Will Make You Money — Some passive income sources require more effort than others. If you want to start making money passively, try a few different ideas and see which ones work for you. [Listen Money Matters]

5 Tips to Whip Your Garage Into Shape — Install ceiling storage systems to keep boxes, bins, and larger items off the floor. [Get Organized Wizard]

The Reverse Welcome Wagon: 6 Ways to Meet Your New Neighbors — Consider planting a garden in your front yard if you have the time and space. Working outside gives you and your neighbors the opportunity to chat regularly. [The Allstate Blog]

Try These 15 Cheap Healthy Meals to Step Up Your Nutrition Game — These meals are so delicious, you might even forget they're good for you! [Don't Pay Full]

Brighten Clothes With This Awesome Dry Laundry Booster — You can make your own eco-friendly dry laundry booster with basic ingredients found at any grocery store. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Other Essential Reading

Deeply Nourishing DIY Home Treatments For Gorgeous Skin, Hair & Nails — Mix beer, olive oil, and cider vinegar for a surprisingly invigorating nail treatment. [Shopping Kim]

6 Steps to Using the Internet to Quit the Daily Grind — The first step is to figure out what you can offer that others can't provide for themselves. [Money Talks News]

How to Make Money Off Your Next Move — Miscellaneous household items like old lawn chairs, pool equipment, and yard tools can be recycled for cash. [Cheapism]

What to Do (and Not to Do) When Developing a New Business Idea — Do reserve a web domain, but hold off on hiring a designer until you know exactly how you want to build out your new website. [Dyer News]

8 Tips to Rock Multiple Projects Simultaneously Without Losing Your Mind — Spend some time every night to prepare for the next day so that mundane tasks don't slow you down in the morning. [LifeDev]

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