Best Money Tips: 4 Phone Calls That Could Save You Money


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some fantastic articles on phone calls that could save you money, things you should do this month, and getting rid of your overstuffed wallet.

Top 5 Articles

4 Phone Calls That Could Save You Money Today — Calling your county office to appeal your property taxes could save you money! [Three Thrifty Guys]

5 Things You Should Do This Month — This August, spend some money on an improvement item. [SavvySugar]

Get Rid Of Your Overstuffed Wallet Once and For All — To clean out your overstuffed wallet, carry fewer credit cards and toss your old receipts. [Time Management Ninja]

The 5 Best Dollar Menus For Saving Big at the Drive-Thru — McDonalds and Taco Bell have two of the best dollar menus to help you save at the drive-thru. []

Five More Ways to Make Extra Money — Want to make extra money? Try selling your photos. [20's Finance]

Other Essential Reading

Where and When to Look for Vacation Rentals — It is advisable to start looking for vacation rentals months before you plan to travel. [MoneyNing]

Saving for a Big Purchase — When saving up to make a big purchase, you must practice the art of conscious spending. [Get Rich Slowly]

When Does Your Frugality Become Unethical? — Frugality may become unethical if you take toilet paper home from a restroom or you take office supplies from your place of emplotment. [Money Q&A]

Automate Your Investments and Savings — To set up and automate your 401(k) plan, first contact your HR department. [Moolanomy]

10 Things to Do Even if They Judge You — Don't worry about being judged if you follow your own unique path. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

News & Events

Brad and Alana Chaffee's 8 Year Wedding Anniversary — August 7th 2012 marks Brad and Alana Chaffee's 8 year wedding anniversary! Congrats you two!

The Plutus Awards Voting — Be sure to vote in the 3rd annual Plutus Awards! Voting closes on August 14th.

Be sure to check out our News & Events Calendar to see all the awesome upcoming events in the personal finance world!

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