Best Money Tips: 60+ Money-Saving Ways to Use Baking Soda


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found over 60 uses for baking soda that can help  you save money, career tips that every aspiring entrepreneur needs to hear, and inexpensive ideas for your Memorial Day party.

Top 5 Articles

65 Uses for Baking Soda that Can Save You Money — Sprinkle a some baking soda on oil or grease stains in your garage or driveway, then scrub with a brush to remove the stains! [Saving Freak]

7 Career Tips Every Aspiring Entrepreneur Needs to Hear — Acknowledge that there are things you don't know. Then, surround yourself with people who can teach you and who are smarter than you. [PopSugar Smart Living]

5 Inexpensive Memorial Day Party Ideas — Celebrate Memorial Day with patriotic pretzel sticks and edible fruit kabobs laid out like the American flag. [Parenting Squad]

5 Ways to Prevent Your 70-Year-Old Self from Hating You — Stay away from unreasonable and unnecessary debt, which can really hurt you in the long run. [Good Financial Cents]

Lifestyle Changes That Save Money — Cut back on expensive activities that you don't really enjoy. Just because your friends enjoy them (and can afford them) doesn't mean you have to go along. [Thrftster]

Other Essential Reading

17 Easy Ways To Extend And Improve Laptop Battery Life — Know the difference between hibernation and standby. Standby allows you to resume your work quickly, but hibernation is better for your laptop's battery life. [easyWays]

7 Ways to Use Geranium Oil — Geranium oil can help soften your hair! Just add a few drops to your bottle of conditioner. [A Few Short Cuts]

How 30 Minutes of Exercise Each Day Saves You Money — Regular exercise makes you healthier, which means fewer health issues and cheaper insurance. [SheBudgets]

Eight Jobs Where You Determine Your Salary — These jobs have no set salary, so if you work hard and do well, the amount of money you can earn is limitless. [The Simple Dollar]

5 Tips To Help Curb Unnecessary Online Shopping — Make it harder to browse for things you don't really need by deleting shopping apps. [Cash The Checks]

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