Best Money Tips: 9 Money-Saving Food Hacks


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on food hacks that can save you money, healthy habits that make you feel amazing, and tips to nail any interview.

Top 5 Articles

9 Clever Food Hacks That Can Save You Money — Store your asparagus like flowers — stems up in a glass of water. They'll last twice as long this way! [A Debt Free Stress Free Life]

6 Simple Healthy Habits To Help You Feel Amazing — Fill your fridge and pantry with healthy, wholesome choices and crowd out the foods that aren't good for you. [Change Your Thoughts]

6 Tips For Nailing Your Interview Like a Pro — Don't ramble — know your key messages like the back of your hand! [PopSugar Smart Living]

10 Simple Self Improvement Hacks — Keep a daily journal to record your thoughts, observations, feelings, and anything else that is important to you. [Dumb Little Man]

5 Simple Ways to Lower Your Housing Expenses — There's no denying that living in a big city is more expensive. If you can, consider moving to the suburbs for a time. [Reach Financial Independence]

Other Essential Reading

Five unconventional ways to get your financial act together — Take a hard look at the things you tend to collect: clothing, books, gadgets, and gear. How much money did they cost you? How much space are they taking up? Identify the triggers and avoid adding more to your collection. [Squawkfox]

25 Lessons When You’re Ready for a Simpler Life — Do a 30-day challenge if you need help letting go of old habits and building new ones. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

5 Productive Activities for Your In-between Time — Use your free minute or two to clear your mind and just think about your day — your priorities, attitude, and accomplishments. It'll help you feel refreshed and refocused. [Time Management Ninja]

10 Things to Consider Before You Buy Something — What do the reviews say? [My Dollar Plan]

How to Give Your Children an Old-Fashioned Summer to Remember — Get your kids out of the house and have a potato sack race, catch fireflies, or play flashlight tag. [Parenting Squad]

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Monica Harvin

Great recommendations in 9 Money-Saving Food Hacks! I didn't ever think about freezing wine! I've tried doing coffee ice cubes, and it works great!

I recently wrote an article, "5 Tasty Tricks to Reduce How Much Meat You Eat," which offers some more great advice on how to reduce how much you spend on food, while not having to sacrifice using meat as part of your cooking.

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