Best Money Tips: Alternatives to Classic Wedding Registries


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on alternatives to classic wedding registries, what the S&P debt ratings mean for the U.S., and how to stay cool on a hot summer day.

Top 5 Articles

5 Alternatives to Classic Wedding Registries — Instead of opting for a classic wedding registry, consider going for a honeymoon registry. [Currency]

What S&P Debt Ratings Mean for the U.S. (and Its Citizen Shareholders) — Chances are the debt rating downgrade is more of a scolding for the U.S. than anything. [Get Rich Slowly]

5 Fun Ways To Cool Off On A Hot Summer Day — Stay cool on a hot summer day by having a water balloon toss. [Parenting Squad]

10 Steps for Boomers Approaching Retirement — If you are a boomer approaching retirement, start thinking about when you will take social security payments. [MintLife]

Five Ways To Stay Out Of Debt — To stay out of debt, always shop around. [I've Paid For This Twice Already]

Other Essential Reading

10 Valuable Tips to Spot Mystery Shopping Scams — Spot mystery shopping scams by never paying to play. [Grad Money Matters]

How To Pay For College — Pay for college by considering a 529 plan. [Matt About Money]

10 Ways to Save Money on Life Insurance — To save money on life insurance, be sure to avoid using an insurance agent. [Yes I Am Cheap]

How to Pick Part Time Jobs in High School — Pick part time jobs in high school by working for the experience. [Bargaineering]d]

10 Ways to Save Money With a Single Phone Call — Save money with a single phone call by calling your cable company and getting a bundle. [Moola Days]

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