Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on beginner investing mistakes you can avoid, reasons why being cheap is bad, and frugal ways to relax on a stressful day.
10 Amateur Investing Mistakes You Can Avoid — Don't expect the stock market to make you a millionaire overnight. [Current on Currency]
23 Reasons Why Being Cheap is Bad — Having a cheap-is-better mindset can cause you to buy things even when you don't need them. [Credit Donkey]
Gimme a Break: 101 Frugal Ways to Relax — Have a piece of dark chocolate, which relieves stress and lowers blood pressure. [PopSugar Smart Living]
52 Frugal and Fun Date Ideas — Take a bike tour around your city! [Couple Money]
How Much Emergency Fund Should You Have? — You'll need to consider several factors, including your job security and your assets. [Lazy Man and Money]
How to Get Your Car Unstuck From…Anything: An Illustrated Guide — Stuck in a ditch? Try taking these steps first before you call a tow truck. [The Art of Manliness]
Fun Family Staycation Activities That Won’t Break Your Budget — Allow yourself to splurge a little and try out a must-go restaurant in your city. [Wealthy Turtle]
11 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet On a Budget — User your closet doors to hang accessories that are not too heavy, like purses, ties, hats, and scarves. [Don't Pay Full]
5 Tricks How to Overcome Anxiety and Fears — Try one of these techniques to work through your feelings of anxiety and fear. [Dumb Little Man]
Working Dads: 7 Steps to Make Your Health a Priority — Listen to your brain and body when something feels off, so you can catch a problem before it becomes a bigger issue. [Parenting Squad]
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Great collection of articles - especially the 23 reasons why being cheap is bad article.