Best Money Tips: Are You Guilty of These Frugal Fails?


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found helpful articles on frugal fails to avoid, how to create wealth using life insurance, and ways to curb your workaholism.

Top 5 Articles

Are You Guilty of These 6 Frugal Fails? — You can save a lot of money with discounted vouchers, but you can also waste a lot of money if you end up sitting on the deal past its promotional period. [The Penny Hoarder]

6 Life Insurance Strategies That Will Make You Wealthy — A life insurance policy is more than just a safety net for your loved ones. It can also protect your wealth, boost your savings and build a comfortable retirement nest egg. [Stack The Chips]

10 Ways Workaholics Can Chill Out and Work Less — Don't sacrifice your personal commitments for work. Push back a dinner date if you need to, but avoid rescheduling or canceling altogether. [PopSugar Smart Living]

14 Affordable Countries for Americans to Retire Overseas — Spain is an attractive international destination for retirees on tight budgets. The coastal city of Valencia in particular is a buyer's market, boasting affordable apartments, excellent (and cheap) health care, open-air food markets, and inexpensive getaways to neighboring nations. [Cheapism]

4 Tips for Frugally Growing Your Own Food — Growing kits come with everything you need — plus a high mark up. Buy the seeds, potting mix, and containers separately if you care about your wallet. [Everybody Loves Your Money]

Other Essential Reading

Get To Know Your Inner Money Manager — Identifying your temperament can help you figure out the best way to manage your money. [Matt About Money]

8 Fun Ways to Encourage Your Child to Save — Encourage your child to save towards a goal that is related to their personal interests. They'll be more excited to save when it means they get a prize at the end. [Everything Finance]

How to Study Online Courses: 7 Best Study Methods — Do you study better with other people? Join an online study group! You can find one on social media sites or your college may offer some, as well. [Dumb Little Man]

5 Ways To Handle The Bully In The Family — One way to deal with a verbal assault from a family member is to simply walk away. A confrontation will only keep them going, and you don't need to hang around for more hate and meanness. [Change Your Thoughts]

Ignoring Your ToDo List Can Cost You Money — If you keep ignoring the tasks on your list, you (or your spouse) might be forced to hire someone else to do it later. [Clever Dude]

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