Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on foolish financial moves to avoid, healthy alternatives to unhealthy foods, and meditation techniques to end stress.
How to Avoid 8 Seriously Foolish Financial Moves — Saving while in debt doesn't make sense if you pay more interest on your debt than you earn on return on your investments. [Money Talks News]
Healthy Alternatives to 10 Unhealthy Foods — Peanut butter contains healthy fats, so instead of eating the reduced-fat variety, go with all-natural peanut butter and just cut back a little on how much you eat. [Parenting Squad]
3 Modern Meditation Techniques That End Stress In 15 Minutes A Day — Coloring a mandala illustration will help your mind unwind in just 5 minutes. [Pick The Brain]
The financial traps of college aid accounts — The debit-accessed accounts that banks and universities jointly offer to students often come with hefty charges. [The Monitor]
5 Things to Bring to a Job Interview — Have the interviewer or company phone number handy, just in case you are unexpectedly delayed. [PopSugar Smart Living]
8 Creative Ways to Save Money on Groceries — Set an average price for everyday meals and plan your menu around that budget. [Well Kept Wallet]
10 Things To Avoid If You Want To Be a Good Roommate — Keep the public areas clean! Have a system in place to avoid recurring messes. [Dumb Little Man]
10 Baby Gifts You Shouldn’t Register For — Baby shoes are cute! But since babies don't walk, cute is all they're good for. [Bargain Babe]
3 Reasons Responsible People Have Bad Credit Scores — You may be a responsible spender, but errors can crop up on your credit report if you don't check it regularly. [Forbes]
7 Low Cost Fall Activities for Kids — Pick some pumpkins with your kids and bring them home to carve or draw on! [Everybody Loves Your Money]
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