Best Money Tips: Best Gifts for College Grads


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on the best gifts for college grads, budget-friendly room revamps, and financial rules that work and don't work.

Top 5 Articles

Top 7 Best Gifts for College Grads — Graduation is right around the corner! Consider getting the soon-to-be grad in your life a Roth or traditional IRA. [Deliver Away Debt]

How-To: A Budget-Friendly Room Revamp — Revamp a room in your home without breaking your budget by adding a plant. [SavvySugar]

Financial Rules that Work and Don't Work — It is good advice to max out your 401k because it's free money! [Free Money Finance]

The Five Commandments For Boosting Retirement Savings — To save money in retirement, buy household items online. [Bible Money Matters]

5 Games to Teach Your Kids About Money — Play Mad Money with your kids to teach them about finances. [Moneyhacker]

Other Essential Reading

8 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in School — To help your child succeed in school, be present. [Parenting Squad]

4 Qualities That Make a Good Job Great — If your job offers you opportunity, it's not just a good job. It's a great job! [US News and World Report]

5 Simple Ways You Can Rebuild Credit after Bankruptcy — Rebuild your credit after bankruptcy by checking your credit report for mistakes. [Bad Credit Blog]

12 Things You Should Be Able to Say About Yourself — Make sure you can say that you are honest with yourself and that you have no regrets. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]

7 things you don't want to skimp on — Don't skimp on health care or food. [brip blap]


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Guest's picture

Great roundup! I really like the article on 4 Qualities that make a good job great.

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