Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some fantastic articles on cheap summer vacations, grocery shopping on a budget, and staying home with your kids.
Your Guide to Cheap Summer Vacations — Have a cheap summer vacation by opting to have a staycation. [One Smart Dollar]
Grocery Shopping on a Budget — When you go to the grocery store, only buy things you know you will use. [Financial Highway]
Can You Afford to Stay Home With Your Kids? — When evaluating whether or not you can stay home with your kids, consider how much money you will save by not working. [Consumerism Commentary]
How To Deal With An Online Shopping Experience Gone Wrong — If you have to deal with an online shopping experience gone wrong, remember to document everything that you do when dealing with the experience. [SavvySugar]
Steps to Buying a House: Checklist & One-Year Plan For Homebuyers — When buying a house, check your credit report and save as much money as possible. [The Digerati Life]
Unconventional Jobs for Teens and Young Adults — If you know a teen or young adult who is looking for a job, recommend they try being a golf caddy or becoming a tax specialist. [Frugal Dad]
5 Ways To Rescue a Day Gone Bad — Salvage a bad day by picking an easy win. [PickTheBrain]
Why You Shouldn't Trust the Better Business Bureau (BBB) — Don't trust the better business bureau because paying members get A+ ratings. [Lazy Man And Money]
25 Remedies for Morning Sickness During Pregnancy — To beat morning sickness, eat before you get out of bed and stay hydrated. [Parenting Squad]
17 Deadliest Decisions You Can Make — Don't make the decision to let your heartache define you. [Marc and Angel Hack Life]
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With 5 weddings this summer, it's not going to be frugal for us! Thanks for the link!