Best Money Tips: Cheap Ways to Feed a Family of Four


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some great articles on cheap ways to feed a family of 4, moving up the corporate ladder, and reasons to use your credit card.

Top 5 Articles

Cheap Ways to Feed a Family of 4 — Feed your family on the cheap by preplanning your menu. [American Consumer News]

Move Up That Corporate Ladder — Move up the corporate ladder by offering assistance to everyone. [Bucksome Boomer]

8 Reasons To Use Your Credit Card — Use your credit card to take advantage of cash back programs. [The Wisdom Journal]

Write Off Your Charitable Donations. You Earned It. — Don't forget to write off your charitable donations on your taxes this year. Be sure not to lie about the value of what you donated though, it's against the law to do so. [Thousandaire]

7 Best Part-Time Jobs Anyone Can Start — Looking for a part time job? Consider blogging! [Christian PF]

Other Essential Reading

Quick, Easy Access to Medical Advice — Get quick access to medical advice by checking out the Mayo Clinic's symptom checker. [Parenting Squad]

7 Things You Should Do This February — This February, set a date to see your tax person. [SavvySugar]

5 Health Practices to Include in Your Routine — Be sure to include drinking more water in your routine. [Personal Dividends]

Saving For Your Kids College Costs — Keeping your kids close in age can help when it comes to saving on college expenses. [Cash The Checks]

30 Ways Your Company Is Wasting Time — Your company may be wasting time by having unclear company goals. [Time Management Ninja]

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