Best Money Tips: Christmas Gift Ideas Under $100


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some awesome articles on Christmas gift ideas under $100, things that are worth the money, and shopping habits you should ditch.

Top 5 Articles

20+ Christmas Gift Ideas Under $100 — This Christmas, get a Kindle Touch for the technology lover in your life or stock for the financial guru you need to shop for. [Consumerism Commentary]

11 Things That Are Worth the Money — Well made shoes are worth spending money on. [SavvySugar]

Say Sayonara to These 8 Bad Shopping Habits — Ditch your shopping habit of impulsively buying things at the checkout stand. [Gen X Finance]

Want a Head Start? Take It! — Get a head start on everyone else by preparing for your day. [Time Management Ninja]

How Do I Build My Credit Score to Buy a House? — To build your credit score and buy a house, start by finding out what your credit score is. [Credit Karma Blog]

Other Essential Reading

Avoid the Toy Takeover — Avoid the toy takeover of the holiday season by keeping your shopping list short. [Parenting Squad]

5 Easy Ways For College Students To Save Money — Save money in college by asking for student discounts. [Moola Days]

Protect Against Debit Card Fraud — Keep yourself safe from debit card fraud by protecting your PIN. [20 and Engaged]

7 Reasons You Need to Create a Household Budget — Create a household budget to relieve your stress and increase your savings. [World of Finance]

4 Ways to Apply for a Credit Card So You'll Get Approved — Get approved for a credit card by not applying for too many cards at once. [NerdWallet]

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Briana Myricks's picture

Thanks for including my post Ashley! Let's make this holiday a frugal one :)

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You are welcome! :)

Guest's picture

Thanks for including our post, Ashley! And thanks for curating these other great links. I have some reading to do!

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You're welcome! :)

Guest's picture

Thanks Ashley! Really appreciate the mention :)

Ashley Jacobs's picture

You are welcome!

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