Best Money Tips: Common Sense Investing Tips


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some fantastic articles on investing tips everyone should follow, why your finances are a mess, and what to ask at a job interview

Top 5 Articles

8 Common Sense Investing Tips Everyone Should Follow — Always be sure to keep it slow and steady when you are investing. [Christian PF]

33 Reasons Why Your Finances Are A Complete Mess — Your finances may be a complete mess if you think emergency funds are for worrywarts. [Len Penzo dot Com]

Ask This, Not That, At a Job Interview — When interviewing for a job, ask your interviewer what your typical day would look like. [PopSugar Smart Living]

Are you a compulsive shopper? Six questions to ask when shopping — Determine whether or not you are a compulsive shopper by asking yourself if what would happen if you waited to buy something. [Frugal Portland]

Tax Return Decisions: How To Make Informed Choices — To make informed tax return decisions, do separate calculations to see if a 1040 or 1040A will cost you less in taxes. [MainStreet]

Other Essential Reading

How Much Of A Financial Fighter Are You? — Are you fighting for your financial future by saving for retirement now? [Bible Money Matters]

Wednesday Welcome: The Benefit Of Being A Big Fish In A Small Pond — When it comes to going to college, sometimes you can get a better education by immersing yourself in student government. [Jean Chatzky Making Money Make Sense]

Should You Buy a Metal Roof? — Most metal roofing options have warranties of 50 years and hold up well in the elements. [Sustainable Personal Finance]

How to Get Through to a Live Person in Customer Service — If you want to get through to a customer service agent, opt for the tech support option when placing a call to a company. [Frugal Confessions]

12 Pinterest Hacks to Make Housekeeping Easier — To make housekeeping easier, try running a squeegee along your carpets to remove pet hair. [Parenting Squad]

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