Best Money Tips: Convince Your Partner That Frugality Is the Way to Go


Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some stellar articles on convincing your partner that frugality is the way to go, things you're spending too much money on, and saving at Ikea.

Top 5 Articles

13 Ways to Convince Your Partner That Frugality Is the Way to Go — To convince your partner that frugality is the way to go, establish a plan for short term goals. [And Then We Saved]

6 Things You're Probably Spending Too Much Money On — Chances are you are spending too much on cable tv and bottled water. [SmartAsset]

11 Secrets to Saving Big Bucks at Ikea — If you want to save big bucks at Ikea, never pay for extra parts. [PopSugar Smart Living]

What's On Sale In September? — Expect to see good deals on corn and grapes in September! [Surviving the Stores]

How Much Insurance Do I Need? — Did you know the standard insurance coverage amount is ten times your income? [The Money-Guy Show]

Other Essential Reading

Need a Reset Button on Life? Here You Go — When was the last time you hit the reset button on your life? [The Empowered Dollar]

My Top 10 Favorite Apps on My Phone (and Why I Love 'em So Much) — Evernote can help you stay organized and Lift can help you develop positive habits. [Smart Passive Income]

6 Tips for Moving and Storing Your Electronics — Labeling everything can make moving and storing your electronics easier. [The SpareFoot Blog]

How to Create a Popular Blog That Makes Money — When creating a blog, keep the design simple and clean and write about a trending topic. [Modest Money]

10 Steps to Teaching at Home Successfully — To teach at home successfully, keep good records and communicate with your child. [Parenting Squad]

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