Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips Roundup! Today we found some fantastic articles on cool things to do with hotel amenities, free ways to say 'I love you,' and how to make an interviewer like you.
8 Cool Things To Do With Hotel Amenities — Use the hotel soap you scored on your last vacation to make detergent. [SavvySugar]
6 free ways to say 'I love you' on Valentine's Day — Send your Valentine a love letter for Valentine's Day. It's free and shows them how much you care. [Living on the Cheap]
How to Make an Interviewer Like You — If you want your interviewer to like you, only say what needs to be said to seal the deal. [Free Money Finance]
6 Ways to Beat the Social Security Tax Increase — Beat the social security tax increase by refinancing your home. [Dollar Stretcher]
Getting Others On Board With Your New "Spending Less" Lifestyle — To get others on board with your "spending less" lifestyle, point out the end date of your new lifestyle. [And Then We Saved]
5 Things You Can Learn from Your Explanation of Benefits — Your explanation of benefits can tell you why a claim was rejected. [Money Smart Life]
3 Reasons to Switch your Gas & Electricity + DIY Utility Savings — Turn off appliances you aren't using to save money on your utility bill. [Girls Just Wanna Have Funds]
Burglary Prevention: Common Sense Advice to Avoid Becoming a Victim — Setting up lights that are on a timer or putting up a "No Soliciting" sign can help protect you from becoming a victim of burglary. [Money Under 30]
4 Tips for Tackling Those Never-Ending Kid Messes (Plus $1 off coupon!) — To tackle never-ending kid messes, take things one room at a time. [Parenting Squad]
35 Secret Uses for Coconut Oil — Did you know you can use coconut oil to reduce the itch of mosquito bites? [Bargain Babe]
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